I met Joan Zorza whose writing can be found on a few sites including on HeinOnline (Woman Battering: A Main Cause of Homelessness) at a national conference. She and many in the field of Domestic Violence Education and Advocacy are true heroes for the modern population in the dark about dynamics of abuse. Apparently it’s right before our collective eyes..and our eyes have been taped shut by our programming and lack of media coverage..other than episodes of violence against women and children which perpetuates the downward spiral, taking many down with it.

Let’s change this pattern to an upward rising spiral of awareness, information and advocacy to save the day for those in the most vulnerable sectors of society… poverty and Abuse go together, so let’s change that equation to help victims get out safely with secure housing so they can stay free from abuse.

More accountability from the victims for finding support but not inviting more harmful partners in would also be reasonable to promote, so likely more group homes for a few years and guidance about having support from another woman or sponsoring person when transitioning to more independent living would make sense..and save lives.