Submitted by livfully, Catherine Palmer Paton of CT USA
on Sat, 01/18/2014 – 22:47

The more times people hear of an event and have a way to find out about them, especially in the small towns of the MA/NY CT (Many Connect) area, the better. Post your PSA (public service announcement here) or event info. Maybe I’ll start another spot for requests for help, housing, rides, etc, so more people can assess the local ‘needs’ or INPUTS as well as ‘offerings/ abilities’ or OUTPUTS. When a group of people start matching up their inputs with other people’s outputs (and vice versa, but not necessarily a direct link or barter..then community options start happening more naturally). That’s a bit of PC (permaculuture wisdom). I’ll get the ball rolling by listing some sites to check, which again would be good to include. (Women’s Support Services, 24-7 DV hotline, 860-364-1900 or the office at 860-364-1080). Support group for abused women. (Susan B Anthony,Support and services for women in conflicts, Sexual Assault and DV (Domestic Violence hotline 860-482-7133/ workshops 860-489-3798) (Adult Ed, ESL, programs in NW CT) (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Nicotine Anonymous– Mountainside (860)824-1397

Sober Parenting, support for parents/ youth HYSB (Housatonic Youth Service Bureau) 860-824-4720

Compass Center(in Lakeville 860-596-0545) and Prime Time (in Torrington 860-482-3636) for Mental Health Support – Club Houses

Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach (A-2020) to share ideas, build communty among each age group (10-year increments) See this site for more ideas.




Hello PALS (People Assertively Living and Socializing…for the greater good, mistyped as greater food, but that too. Why not throw some seeds in the ground or a pot of dirt and see if you have a green thumb?

More ideas on I invite everyone to list their own website, get some ideas from and in the MA/NY CT (MaNy ConnecT area) on for enlivening the Tri-corner (or local or other area) networking. See sites such as and google great ideas shared by John Root on revamping how we use money as a society (I’ll find his website).

There’s also which is exciting in its offerings to teach Transcendental Meditation in a traditional 1-to-1 format over a 4-day period of an hour and half each with a lot of follow-up for a few months. Amazing benefits described on

Why not try a few of these things and report back here how it’s going. I realize some things may cost money, but maybe friends are willing to help fund or fundraise (even hire for small jobs and so on. Tis tagsale season too, so don’t give up due to costs, some of which are a few dollars to a few hundred of more, but may be a great benefit for health, peace of mind and finding your way not to mention good friends). I’ve felt a lot of this from being part of Toastmasters, which is not the same as TM (though some folks doing that gave talks on their successful years of practice).

See and of course check out for inspiring youtube videos and more. My teen son Kaelan Paton’s memorial service is on youtube for people to see in brief segments, it can really be helpful when facing sudden losses (of people, pets such as cats, dogs and other smaller critters as well as larger animals such as horses, cows and such).

Even sudden changes like divorce, or other challenges (even post-separation, after the kids are grown or other shifts like moving, working a different  schedule or job, all can have a kind of ‘loss, transition, shift’ that bears reflection, song and such. Thanks for adding to the list as you like and seeing the posts on Crafting Safety Plans on this site which reflect a class that can be offered in the tri-corner area, inspire community conversations and much more.

See info on and perhaps offer a class through that or more informally to share your talents and ideas. All the best as April unfolds with the lovely natural signs of spring. Hope all can keep a balanced way of living–eating, sleeping and pacing one’s life to stay in good health and promote healing on all  levels and socially. Ciao now (and have a  healthy snack too if you like.)


 A few more faves to list so you can enjoy and spread the word:

Berkshire Co-op or com or com

Spikes Ride for Sandy Hook ( 5-3-14 or com

People Anonymous –documentary

Divorce Corp –documentary


The Authors Book Signing at the Hotchkiss Sharon CT Library on Friday, Aug 1, 2104 will be awesome if it’s anything like the previous ones. Dozens of amazing writers and a few illustrators with local connections to the tri-corner MA/NY CT–many connect–area will be under a lovely tent with tables of books the authors can sign while guests enjoy delectable refreshments.

Wear comfortable shoes and attire.and the weather can be iffy, so wear layers to cope with too hot or wind, etc. Hopefully we’ll be spared any torrential rains. Our Sharon Garden Club will help with the flowers (I best be foraging). The event is $30 per person, so plan that into one’s budget. I count this type of event a nice way for me to remember the good efforts of many in our area from artists to libraries, and many groups which host friendly events, yes to make money but also to build community.

Along those lines, I feel we can honor those who have journeyed before us in history and in our personal and local lives..for me that includes our teen son Kaelan Paton, whom I hope to write about in a book (and have a post on this blog Remembering Kaelan..maybe google to find that most easily.

I plan to write a lot more sooner on that post and again, get help for an e-book at least. I”m open to offers for help in many aspects of my life which seems ‘a work in progress’ in many departments. I’ve found some help through the WAE Network, Writers, Ag

I hope to enjoy Friday night if I can fund that evening and then catch plays at the Sharon Playhouse (Spring Awakening) and the Warner in Torrington (Peter Pan)..and if there’s time, Falcon Ridge in Hillsdale NY for folk music and cool booths and of course, the best of all, NICE PEOPLE!



St Johns Church in Salisbury CT is hosting Baroque Concerts (with receptions following) at 5pm on Wednesdays (see their site, but July 30th, 2014 and more in August!). Other free music can be found there on Tuesday Nights when there is  African Drumming Class by John Marshall..come listen and try it for free. If you’d like to join, it’s a $10/class donation but don’t let funds keep you away. On the other hand, feel free to donate (send to the church with a note) knowing we’ve been keeping the beat going for six years and have played at local events for free, maybe you have a place in the tri-corner area you’d like to have a half hour or so of amazing rhythms grace your event!

Be in touch here. I am happy to do some outreach to groups with my beginner skills but enough to ‘break the ice and help someone feel they CAN make music, with drumming, simple songs and even piano…the more music people here and try, the easier it is to encourage one’s children to do.

Music Together with Tom Hanford or other teachers is a great way to get even infants with a parent or caregiver involved (often one can do a free trial class or get some scholarship.) ASK and you shall receive some tips and help often times. Share what you can by inviting others into your clubs and circles as seems appropriate and please offer to help parents who may need help with care or costs to get their kids involved in programs. That can be a win-win and lighten the load for families!

The Sharon Audubon is not having their festival this year, so make it a DIY (Do It Yourself) Nature Walk and Mini-Fest of your own by visiting the center on Aug 9th and 10th or having a gathering with friends in your own town at a public playground (and with lifeguards if swimming at a pool or lake, etc).

Talk about what each person discovers on a nature walk. Get the book about making family meal time special with talks about what someone saw or did that day as well as what made someone Sad, Glad or Mad (an example of each even, taking turns to share and listen as well as ask a question for more info and Not Judging or Rushing in to solve problems or defer feelings…but rather help someone become more resourceful in meeting their own needs or asking for help and resources. Nature has many examples of animals and plants sharing space and doing special jobs and caring for themselves (and working together). Maybe you can think of some and make up a story or find ways wildlife lives in your yard and area.Share what you do here and we’ll have a Virtual Nature Festival  in honor of the 40 plus years Sharon Audubon has hosted annual ones with many volunteers from other groups as well as some paid speakers and musicians. That’s another way to add some pizzazz to your outing or camp-out (Did I suggest spending some time outdoors at night? Even for an hour around a safe campfire, or take a night walk and practice using your night vision as it’s safe

Keep wildlife in mind or other concerns if camping and maybe find a fenced in yard or area with NO FOOD in your tent or even keep it in a cooler in your car (nor just open with windows open, etc..Bear country is far and wide as is that of raccoons, skunks, foxes and more. Check your sleeping bag for snakes before sleeping in it a military person reminded me and added that she did find one non-poisonous snake once in her sack. Oh joy!

Kids and others can sleep walk so again, be certain people are being supervised and ideally not sleeping close to water. I heard of someone who walked out on snow-covered ice on a pond once when camping with her class at a camp. Thankfully a teacher did a check and saw the door a bit open and her footsteps leading out to the pond and talked her into coming back which she did. He now watches our town from the heaven’s having gotten Legionnaire’s Disease, but the good times live on in our memories.

For now, I’ll close, but feel free to post events and ideas to enjoy the summer season and the fall which follows shortly. Many plan months in advance, so post away whenever your event is planned and journey on with a happy heart to help yourself, others and plan-it heart. Joy begets joy!


There are lots of new ideas for growing community and one can’t go wrong with outdoor concerts (barring sudden storms, etc and yes, a need to watch kids closely when cars are about.) Sharon offers concerts on the Green from 6-8p this summer. Check their site, and I believe Litchfield does as well–check times. There;s music at 52 Main St in Millerton NY (Thanks for the tunes, Wooden Nickel, way cool!).

The Millerton NY Library Annex also offers music for $5 donation..well worth it! And of course, the Hotchkiss School takes it to a grander level offering stellar concerts throughout July (kudos to all of the fine perfomers from their Portals Series which helps young musicians and provides a lovely venue for seasoned musicians as well).

Music Mountain in Falls Village Ct is branching out with many offerings in addition to their top-notch chamber concert series which is aired nationally. Music will be filling the air at the Great Barrington VFW on Tuesday evenings as well as at the Canaan VFW on Thursday nights.

On a different note. Mediation will be offered for donation at Noble Horizons on Tuesdays as of Aug 5th, 2014 from 5:30-6:30p with Tracie Shannon, and at the Milleron NECC (North East Community Center) on Wednesday evenings for free. Check their sites for details.

I will catch the Zi train for sleeping now which I should have done before 11p but will do that more soon. Keep thinking of ways to enjoy your home and town and invite others to do the same!

Great Music at Infinity Hall, some of which is broadcast on TV so kudos to them for that! See local bands and more there such as Le Special and The Nice Ones…good energy for our small towns and beyond! Congratz too to Light Bright!