To join in the live conversation between Representative Dennis Kucinich ( )and Marianne Willaimson ( by phone Wed. May 2, 2018,at 9PM EST here’s the info: the call via phone, please use the following dial-in numbers and access code:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Access Code: 440435#
To see other ways to connect and send in questions check their websites. Hope new ideas and networks are blooming in your area, state and national scene. May more miracles come our way to say, “Yes!” to rather than challenges we endlessly have to expend energy on saying, “No!” to.
We only have ‘so much time and energy’ and unfortunately that’s what may be a ‘winning strategy’ of abusers of power and control may be counting on, particularly when a ‘victim’ is alone, isolated, caught off guard or otherwise not represented, trapped and given few ways to remedy a situation legally and ethically (or at least legally…)
See more about That kind of travesty on
I’d like to see the Kucinich team tune into that so likely will write in about that next.
Likely we need to rethink ways people agree to any binding contract, relationship (marriage, parenting, adoption and more) so that more information and education can be done before the papers are signed and the ink dries..sealing the fate in a certain way that may not be the case were there not a ‘legal paperwork trail’..strange times but important to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee.
Our next generations of people of all ages and cultures are counting on us doing something more fair and sustainable, humane and empowering…
How do you like those apples (especially in The Big Apple and The Windy City and all major cities where millions count on some reasonable leadership so they can be successful team players and keep the trains running on time, schools caring for And educating youth and adults, workers safe and healthy and everybuddy more on the same care and share team on our special plan-it heart also called Earth but home to over 8 Billion beating hearts…and more coming all the time. We need to be more in sync than not if only to enhance the musical experience.
Please consider the many other billions of hearts and living beings in nature, especially in the sea who are being threatened by the noise and other forms of pollution. See Sonic Sea by Dan Hinerfeld (Vassar ’85)and others to learn more specifics.
Meanwhile The Ghost Net Mystery by CT’s Grumbling Gryphons (with steadfast directorship of Leslie Elias, kudos on all of your well-deserved awards and important leadership for communities as well) will enlighten more school groups with creative plays and powerful messages about saving the waters and the earth (the two kind of go together. Some say we should be called Planet Ocean and understand our Survival depends on the Ocean’s condition –everthing from temperature to cleanliness, and its absorption of excess carbon and marine life on all levels.
We are all part of the soul-You-tion so working together in meaningful ways is the new name of the game. See the Sixth Extinction…and consider what’s at stake. Hopefuly some insights from Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe could be factored in. Maybe They Should Run for President and VP of the US so the word could get out more efficiently and less backpeddaling would be required.
Whose on board with that idea? Write to them …and I will too. Maybe Oprah could give them a call, though sometimes ‘a little child will lead them’ and there are lots of wonder kids showing up so hopefully the new good ideas will dawn on more folks and more good can happen for Every Person in small circles with links to larger networks…and then the shift can occur more smoothly like dipping into a warm pool for a swim, safely and with skills to swim to the other side.