Submitted by livfully by Catherine Palmer Paton
on Wed, 01/22/2014 – 14:49

We can all chime in on this one–how do you wish yourself and others a Happy Birthday? Some people plan to Take the Day Off! Then the options open up to ease into the day with a warm bath or time to relax in one’s pjs..or go for a morning jaunt or cup of tea with a friend.

There are ways to plan to celebrate each part of your birthday with notes online or calls to family and friends, just Because it is your birthday. Even better anticipate the special day a week or month in advance, like ‘counting down to your new year’. Each month you can gingerly do something in honor of the months passing onto the next, then the next birthday won’t come as such a surprise. As you keep a list of special things you are doing throughout the year and review them, you can pat yourself on the back. When wishing others a Happy Birthday, why not share some of these tips.

See the post on the New Year 2014 with the special celebration days for each age, by turning an age into a date such as 55 into 5-5 or May 5th for all 55 year-olds. That’s like getting another group birthday acknowledgement. Think of grade school, high school and college and other friends who are the same age. You have journeyed together. Then during yout birthday, remember the time you were born and give yourself a hug. You can turn your birthdate into a time as well, say you were born on Jan 22nd, well then your Birth Date Time Celebration would be every time is was 1:22 am or pm. Same with May 14th (5:14 am or pm). Go ahead and catch the time of your birth date to see how fun this can be and again, share with others.

Simple acknowledgements and consider that those who have journeyed on and who have been in your life would like you to ‘feel the love and importance of you showing up on plan-it heart with everybuddy else in your life to learn and grow in compassion, safety, respect’ and such. I hope you can add a comment about how you celebrate your birthday or others..and feel free to see who your Birth Angels may be from the site which has a book and a chart to reference.Every person in every state could work toward setting up such a reference center  for that as well as The Wisdom of the Enneagram (or google for info to find out one’s personality type).

Overall, feeling like one of the helpers and healers on the plan-it , as a member of a forest of friends, can help one open to their gifts. See for more insights on these subtler ways of celebrating every day, including your arrival date (yet consider that from the time of conception, since we wouldn’t get here if we didn’t start growing as smaller than a mustard seed, or poetically from an acorn to a trusty oak.