Sign up at from May 7-28, 2018 for a lot of great offers to improve yourself, your life, your business and more. There’s lots to learn from just looking.Then if you feel you want some more details, you likely need to give your email, and then, drum roll..enter a contest. I won something from Tammi Metzler and hope to use it soon. She kindly gave me some extensions. I get inspired by her many offerings and bought a couple of programs to help me improve my skills
. I actually have to Do the Programs and try them out. I have done that with the offer from Suzanne O’Brien with the free community education program of I then took all three levels of the Doulagivers program. I have done elder care for years on and off and plan to do more as a consultant and End of Life Doula (EOLD). There’s a Doula for everything and a few programs to help people feel more clear and comfortable about this growing field.
I found it inspiring and very helpful to meet in person with Suzanne and others doing this work. Some of those were free, so I felt I got my money’s worth. Typically those programs which are online are supplemented by live trainings. The overall offerings and the wider field is worth exploring online for a few months if one is interested (and inside scoop the need and response is not going away.) Pacing oneself and affording trainings are aspects coaches, friends and family can help you pace yourself.
I have benefitted from programs online and in person with Patty Lennon. I initially won a ticket (as a runner up in a raffle) to one of her lovely helpful events for women entrepreneurs a few years ago. That was part of a Macaroni Kid outreach at an event called Girls Night Out in Danbury CT.
I didn’t win the car in another raffle but then my life took a turn where I lived in Brooklyn NY for two years and I didn’t Need A Car. I have had help from friends and family, Metro North and the MTA, Metro Transit Association of subways. “Make an intention to use good energy to create what you want and do what you want to do.”Then appreciate how much of the world is working to serve your sincere desires. Check in with how options feel in your heart and gut as well as your head. Hopefully you’ll get a harmonic convergence of ‘Yes-es” but honor the concerns that come up with the “No Way”s, “Not Now’s”, “Not Me, I’m not ready good enough, able on my own to pull it off, and more…”
There may be indicator lights to ‘ASK –Ask, Seek, Knock, for help, guidance from a loving caring force in the world if not a more particular kind figure. Explore What IF options about having funds and means arrive to ease one’s load, allow for input and help with getting a plan enacted (including a car safety check, oil and gas, tires and doors and hoods working well so one feels secure about ones vehicle.) Funds for housing, food and programs may be a few inquiries away, maybe from those hosting or networking to get people to connect and attend.
I had help along those lines each time I took a training whether with The Reconnection or more recently with The Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany NY where premier advocates shared valuable points to ‘fix the broken courts which have failed to protect women and children from domestic abuse and Coercive Control (including a talk by Evan Stark who authored a book by that name.) He stressed that Coercive Control happens on a spectrum over time in any relationship.
This insight and impact is a critical point for more of society and the public to appreciate what factors into the crimes in families. Reasonable divorce and custody matters do not need to be highly conflictual or criminal. Usually they are not, and while often challenging and emotionally difficult, they are not drenched in fear, mind games and intimidation and threats.
An abuser insists on that kind of playing field either because He (or in some situations She if not both ) are Unwilling or Unable to use more modern collaborative methods to address important personal and family matters. There is controversy however about the role of society and the grounds for interfering and preventing harm to women and children. I will explore more, but key studies such as ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences study by Saunders which describes that harm early in life may be linked to greater chance at a downward spiral over life. While those grounds indicate Protective Parents (typically mothers who have been with their children from pregnancy and early bonding and often has been a victim of a controlling person) should have primary custody, and the abuser have supervised visits with important ‘batterer intervention’ programs.
Evan Stark is concerned more poor or otherwise jeapordized youth will be taken from their protective mothers or even decent families on such grounds. While many initial interventions can be for weeks, or even 6 months ir not 1-2 years, more programs are allowing for foster children to be adopted out. Sadly along with respectable foster care and adoptive families, a higher risk than most realize in a public way is that some people from children on up are being trafficked as sex or other kind of slaves.
These are heart breaking realities many people are finding themselves mired in when ‘the tables are turned.’. Everyone could learn more voluntarily, work past their ‘dissociative’ tendencies to not want to believe the miseries befalling so many. Blaming victims, claiming ‘NIMBY”, Not In My Back Yard (those things don’t happen to me, our kind, our area) even when it’s been shown to be a challenge across the board.
While typing this out, I have been listening to Barbara Marciniak and many of the theories of Who Are We, Why Has Our World Been the Way Its Been, What Are the Roles of Birth Parents, and How to Help People Nurture their Pregnancies (pulling away from cell phones, technologies that bombard us with internet computer or television frequencies, effects of chem trails, chemicals in our bodies and more.)
Overall she says the New Era began recently to help us awaken from 2013-2027 (big economic and even earth changes because of the Uranus-Pluto squaring, increasing chances for volcanic activity…and a re-examining of what consciousness is. A New Constitution for Humanity… is what she says may be offered. A huge turnaround of finances will be happening over time due to the globalists wanting a one-world currency while others will not buy into that. New systems and creativity will be more humanitarian and local. “Large is difficult to maintain” she says and that reminds me of “Small is Beautiful” (the book and programs.)
Okay so need to wrap up. Trust that ‘this will all work out, and better than I can imagine is a good guide, she offers as do so many,. Everybuddy being a winner on a team attitude can carry you through and ‘feed the field’ and then the field conforms to your steadfastness. There are many youtube talks, here’s the one I heard in part.