The one-year date since the tragedy at Sandy Hook CT shook our collective ‘safe and normal’ reality will be Dec 14, 2014 around 9:30 am. This year, that will be on a Saturday with vigils like the one planned for non-violence in Salisbury
on the Green at 5pm, so no worries about ‘being at school on that fateful date’ from last year. On Dec 13th, 2013 our local high school will hold their annual winter concert which may include a time of remembrance.Last year, they bravely held their concert as planned on Dec 14th, 2012…following the fateful morning that 20 children suddenly went to heaven along with the six adults in school and likely the mother of the one who claimed their lives and his own. We cannot assume Adam met with as gentle a crossing spiritually. Some say, there is no more ‘right and wrong’ after death, yet others say, you better not count on such a ‘clean slate’ theory..What goes around comes around, kama from many lifetimes is likely playing out for all of us which is a much more prevalent theory around the world for millenia. One of my philosophy professors from Vassar once quipped, “We won’t know for sure until we get there…and likely, we cannot come back to tell others if we are really dead.”
The views of Rudolf Steiner and likely many others however says, “you can’t count on being dead to make you smart..people don’t change That Much!” At least not right away. Likely there are guides and helpers (those we’ve known over our many lifetimes who are on our spiritual team..of caring,forgiving, wanting connection.) Try this theory out if you’ve never done so before or really don’t buy it..this is a Test Run to see how things seem if you Pretend for a while, as though playing a game or acting, that Life Continues On After Physical Death. Read that sentence a few times if it’s nothing you’ve heard before. Google some sites about ‘spiritual science’ on youtube or Thive Movement.
Okay, the general idea from Steiner’s book Staying Connected, and many who believe in the after life–and more to come in terms of more lifetimes–is that a LOT happens after one is no longer in the physical body. Mostly, we get a review of our life on earth..when we were ASLEEP (isn’t that kind of humorous when we work so hard to perform and consume so much knowledge, experience and yes, food when we are AWAKE and practically forget that we spend about a third of our lives, and if we’re lucky or basically normal, about a third of every day fast asleep!) Imagine going to take a final exam and being quizzed on what you were doing while you were asleep the night before in order to pass? That would seem ludicrous, but when we get to the pearly gates, that may be a key part of the assessment.
Would that someone would have told us our next journey could depend on something so ‘intangible’?! Okay, so now you’ve heard the Theory. What do you do next, never sleep? On the contrary, that trusty old idea of saying a bedtime prayer for protecion and blessing would be about right. Thinking of a loved one you knew who is on the spiritual side of life (especially someone who has not been gone too long, who you felt connected to) , ask a question about plans or part of your life…and see if before you wake up there was a message given in terms of a direct answer or a dream that seemed to make things more clear. While there are some reservations about listening in to those on the other side, some like Steiner say we are missing out an important resource from those with a ‘higher viewl’, who are not encumbered by earthly needs for material goods. (What a strange thought during the winter and holidays..we are physical beings as well as spiritual!).
There’s a lot more, and there is caution given if one is not living a basically ‘nice, kind, normal life’ to not venture for help from the beyond until one can be of more balanced mind and study up on these things more. For now, since it’s getting on past midnight, I wanted to acknowledge that we all process any loss or change in ways that are meaningful and challenging to each of us individually and in wider circles. I hope everyone can take time for some extra ‘self-care’ as well as connection around these delicate issues
There is time to reflect year-round and on this site as well. I hope everyone can find support online, with a friend, on the phone or from other gatherings to make each day special and to find time on Sat the 14th of December to reflect on the gift of children and the support families need when losing a young person or others close to them..Every life is precious and to have any taken is a tear in the cloak of humanity’s spirit..we need to care about each other to help heal. Thank you for daring to care and share as you can to make others and yourself feel valued and connected with community, with spirit and the greater good. Big hugs, Catherine Paton