Hello Everyone as Memorial Day arrives…I just came from a nice event at the Audubon with a hundred or more folks seeing an owl released after a nice reception under the tent (catered by Freund’s and with wine donated by a Kent store..5th yr in a row, but I don’t drink…maybe eat a bit more than I should.) It was nice to be back on the property and consider the many good years there…the new director is nice and very skilled many say, Elizabeth Fielding, PhD.
She gave a brief talk about the importance of caring for the natural habitats of migratory birds up and down the Eastern Coast to South America since the birds need food and rest along their route. The country can work together through the National Audubon and other stewardship groups. That’s the way to succeed for our fine feathered friends who also are a signal for the health of our human environment.
I felt especially grateful to be part of the large festive welcoming event which put out a call for donors and volunteers to help Audubon Sharon (CT) as I was fortunate to live on the property for about two decades and rear our children in the area. With our son Kaelan now in spirit for about 9 years, passing in June of 2009, the memories we made as a family at area churches including The Sharon Congregational Church which I also attended today, the libraries and schools all add up to ‘a life well-lived’.
I actually got to visit with one of his very caring teachers who spoke kindly of Kaelan at his memorial service (which is on youtube in short segments.) She also paid me a compliment on my dancing from many years ago as well. In small towns the circles of friends can carry over for decades to the point most feel like family…yes, with all the dynamics thereof.
One person shared he’d given a couple permission to build a cabin on his property and boy did they ever, to the tune of millions instead of the smooth 100K. Now That’s Really like “family”, but more like when one makes off with an inheritance at the expense of others, or does some other mischievous deed. That weighs heavy on the kind man’s heart. Not the kind of difficulty any quick fix can be found for. Rather Unbelievable, but maybe more people can help others Watch Out for making any ‘verbal agreements’ for building, care-giving, working and so on.
There likely could be a community council to run Anything by, at least with a virtual checklist and some coaching for accountability. More on that later. The next Big News I want to share is that there really may be ‘trouble in Camelot’ as in our political history (Think 9-11 bruhaha…crimes and lack of real investigation. See www.NoLiesRadio.org for their important programming on June 2,2018 which will be archived.
9/11 Lawyers www.LCfor9/11.org will be seeking to have a Grand Jury look into the physical evidence from the World Trade Center that includes material not found from heat from jet fuel burning, but something much hotter that comes from explosives. The following is what I wrote to some friends to think about the matter, and since I count you all as such, I will share this part too.
The debunking of the facts piece in Popular Science magazine a few years back only went so far with the ‘facts’ and glossed over some of the key points made (maybe saying an expert said jet fuel could cause such damage, or that a small fire did expand do enough damage to merit taking down Building 7.)
Let’s honor all of those who have birthed and fought for our country as well as the millions of domestic violence victims who won’t even make headlines until some of them die in the ‘war that shall not be named..” Instead of some crazed men killing women and children they are supposedly ‘honoring and vowing to protect and care for’, what kind of lunatics would plan to take down a public building and really Expect to Get Away with it?
Or use that as the impetus to get a country to do more carnage around the world..well, that frankly, would be the US. IF people do not require a deeper investigation then we may not be much better than the greedy loon-tunes who got US-All into this mess. Paying out a million or more to each family that suffered a fatality in the World Trade Centers came from our heart (and was done in a way no one would be able to weigh in on before, during or after…
Even IF one man were cheating on his first family and having a second one which would have meant Dividing the assets much as is done in any divorce or custody matter…Can anyone imagine going to divorce or custody court and being told..’We are sorry for your suffering, so we are doubling your assets, or more up to 2 Million Dollars’ so no one has to feel the reality of someone having a change of heart or otherwise even agreeing to have two families.’
I won’t push the reality of that having happened, but it is a Possibility and again, one that American People were not given any poll or survey to find out what they would want for those in the 9-11 situation. We don’t even talk about positive options for anyone facing divorce or custody procedures in our country, even informal ways of separating.
Maybe a national committee could be set up to coach people in relationships and provide resources (even temporary or longer term housing, schooling, work, transportation, food and other basics like medical and dental help) to help people when they are facing difficult transitions (even if both are in agreement etc.) Why make them Suffer Even More, stay isolated or go blindly into courts that are often ignorant or corrupt or both?!
See Resolution 72 to experience enlightenment on remedying that travesty that claims many lives (yes, sadly men killing women at the rate of about 2K a year and 200 children and 58,000 Protective Mothers Losing Custody every year for decades..
.Not Good for the Moms, the Kids, Society or even the Dads.) Resources on Battered Mothers Custody Conference list many important points and ways to get involved. Don’t you think the values and courage of those who have served and especially those who have died would want us to use every opportunity to do the Next Right Thing and Prevent More Harm and Violence?
Memorial Day is a perfect time to remember their legacies and add our voices with clear effective choices for safety and reasonable actions to protect people in their homes, in schools, at work, on the roads, in the military and faith groups and everywhere else.
We can do this as the ways to understand our world and hold people to higher standards becomes more evident. Thanks for Considering these points and working with others locally and globally, online and in person in every state to make meaningful steps for a brighter future for all of us and particularly the next generations.
 Okay so wanted to let any of you know about this in case you may be interested in the process of ‘figuring out what’s what’… whether the real deal or serious concerns or an important What IF these things happened (or were to happen…)
Whose job is it to really investigate? What kind of chemicals and other harm, including death, are people subjected to in our modern day of ‘accountability and transparency’?What role does the media have to play in this and what are Their Credentials…and criteria for sharing info?
I have seen a few videos in the past and I didn’t know what else the whistle-blowers could do… apparently this is ‘what else’. So hope everyone feels a bit more informed and open to consider the points they lay out.
Likely there are (or will be) other types of concerns to address and the better educated the public is the sooner the questions can be addressed authentically… much like many independent investigators have done. Scientists and others d have ethical guidelines to speak up when things don’t add up in the media or in plain view… I feel this is an important way to honor those who died in this sad turn of events.
The Wake Up call our country needed to feel united was not to fight another country as much as to see whose driving the bus right here in the US…To any who feel this is only a conspiracy and nothing more, my apologies but with sincere ‘right to respectfully disagree’ in terms of at least Considering the Physical Evidence and the Input from thousands of experts.
Should it Really take that many intelligent people to have to make an important set of information clear to the public and leading officials? Where are the actual agencies in charge of such things…and how might they be able to be deterred from really doing their job accurately and openly?
What does this say about our country, then and even now? okay all the best to all getting lots of rest to keep up with the ‘continuing sagas and hopefully sages of next best steps…’ Peace and light