I’ve blogged about driving issues in other posts on www.livfully.org. but here’s a few more thoughts from a FB post regarding Rethinking the Signage of the Goshen Circle in CT. Google for the latest but it’s a set of ‘lollipop signs’ to direct cars to travel in a counter clockwise direction at a 4-way intersection which can get busy at times. Regarding the Goshen circle ideally people could all work to approach the circle from a mile in each direction with much more care.
Signage Warning about schools ahead, circle and so on would be helpful. A crosswalk in front of the school there was the scene of a dangerous accident a few years ago.
What really could help is for anyone using the cross walk to WAIT for traffic to really be clear to find a time to cross rather than wait for a car to stop (especially in the morning or afternoon when there is a lot of traffic and many Don’t Realize there is a Cross Walk right there (More Signage Early on Could help.) During that accident, a car or two then a pickup truck was stopped so the crosswalk was not visible readily. Someone bumped into the pickup and got a broken leg.
A more common problem is kids not walking Away from bus when getting off but sometimes racing it. Then there’s selling lemonade and such close to a busy road or having a tag sale and such and expecting cars to pull over safely when that may not be very sensible.
A road map of ‘trouble spots’ to watch out for would be helpful in any town…again with more signage a mile or more in advance to let people know about ‘dangerous corners, intersections and so on to help them adjust their speed.’
In any town, likely the ‘map would be lit up’ so maybe more people could agree on actually going the speed limit or more carefully..and not passing illegally or unless really necessary.
Okay that’s another post for the blog, but thanks for the reminders for safer travel to and from one’s destination, especially in the mornings to work and school and home again, home again, jiggety jog (wearing safe colors if on a bike or walking, of course and walking against traffic and in single file but always Defensively and ready to Make Way for the Drivers who insist on their own way.) Maybe truck drivers and such can’t see a pedestrian so again, walkers need to stay out of the way…and discuss the matter safely later.