After a busy day learning about NEFF, New England Forestry Foundation ( and sadly hearing of the loss of a wonderful fellow in his 20s in a vehicular accident and sending heartfelt condolences to his family, I visited some folks in a nursing home after doing some shopping at Matrushka in Great Barrington MA, and Tom’s Toy’s next door. Before I could turn in I wanted to see What Happened with the Kavanaugh vote.

Someone said he was confirmed. I didn’t think that could happen on a weekend. So I googled and saw that his nomination would be voted on..and it was confirmed by a very narrow margin…51 to 49 in the late afternoon. I read more about the single  Republican woman from Alaska who voted against him–talk about courage and her clarifying that he did not seem like the right man for the job. Bingo! Everyone has to function in their lives with their decisions so who knows how all this will really play out.

Subconsciously, knowing he lied, he may develop physical symptoms of discontent. His own family is now ‘in the limelight’ and hopefully can find ways to address what seems like having to witness him choke on a truth serum with them being ‘next’ to make sense of what they experienced with front row seats.

It would have been far more decent to not have his wife and kids watch him in person, but rather in another room where they (the wife, since maybe the kids were not in the court..I’ll have to check, but spiritually and socially, they were made a focal point at times… with his 10 year old daughter being quoted as saying she was praying for Dr. Ford believing Dr. Ford was falsely accusing her father willfully or mistakenly.

That is the biggest crime by Brett Kavanaugh was having almost silenced Dr. Ford in a way that shows disregard for safety on a more profound level than anyone spelled out for our country poised on getting to The Truth…it was likely worse than sexual assault in that he could have been one to ‘accidently or otherwise’ push to cover his tracks by shutting her up for good since his actions speak loudly. Thank God someone was able to intervene then, in what could have been a life or death matter honestly… even if he failed to answer to the truth in court.

What was also recently horrible on Brett’s part was having his daughter due battle for his very likely crimes…. and giving his daughter no option to question him…”Daddy, did you do that?!”

Well, now that Brett was asked and he denied as one who lied…the whole country got the picture.. “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” cannot be taken as truth if it cannot be proven in a state of law. Not only are his victims put in a difficult place, our entire population is at the mercy of his next story installment. Some say he will vote to benefit those he has political ties to instead of keeping the Constitution and modern freedom and democracy in mind. We’ll see.

Difficult as this is to face, it helps to know there was a large turn out of protestors, over a hundred of whom got arrested. There are tough topics to consider in our country and hopefully now more people will take time to figure out all options and angles to help women and children stay safe and be more accountable for all anyone does. Thanks for doing your part and facing the future with courage together.