I hope Brian Ohler and other advocates can review the latest about primary aggressor laws and see what Troop B thinks… and will do to implement this new standard in CT. I think there’s a gap in info and awareness in the public also.

There seems to be NO ONE in our area, state or country Intervening or Challenging aggressors or their many complicit parties (families, friends, co-workers, counselors, doctors, ministers, 12-step groups or general public friends etc) Understand Boundaries, Types of Abuse and Common Syndromes. We all got a crash course in this with the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice.

That should make everyone feel a bit ill in terms of having learned of a few victims he had (with Senator Chris Murphy and many others saying they believed the women’s testimony in the Senate hearing.)

That was not a court of law but those standards of having to be proven by other witnesses was used.

The Republican Senator voting against him clarified she felt Brett Kavanaugh did not seem the right man for the job based on the hearing. She was not saying he was guilty or innocent until proven guilty..just NOT the Right Guy for the JOB, one of the most serious, long-standing jobs a person can have that affects the entire country in critical ways…both the people and the environment and more.

So back to basics like Primary Aggressor Laws… Please see the US Congress Resolution 72 which passed in the House and will be going before the Senate soon. While it will grant primary custody of children to alleged victims of abuse since this would provide for their Safety above all other factors, more people realize that abusive people, generally males, will not necessarily abide by the law.

It can feel horrible beyond anyone’s imagining to hear that you ‘cannot be with your children’ whether the reasons are founded or unfounded. Everyone should face the music of that crazy situation…and realize There May Be A Time, Short or Long, Right or Wrong when by virtue of Having Kids, they Can Be Removed from Your Immediate Care if not Custory, temporarily or otherwise.

Some victims are threatened with or actually have them removed from them by the abuser or by an agency (sometimes on the grounds that the parental conflict is too high, the parents cannot safely parent together even if not divorcing or maybe not even living together.