November is the most important month of the year in the USA, so don’t miss out on the Voting Opportunities in your state in the United States. Doublecheck the logistics of what you need, where and when the polls are.Getting time to get there, rides, and alternate plans for care for anyone could also be factored in.
Remember IDs and even a bottle of water and snacks in case you are waiting in line a while… All the best and tell a friend. I’m on the Blue Team, voting Democratic, unless there’s a real reason to back a Republican…Based on how the politicians tend to vote..along their party lines, that’d be risky business…
Tony Piel, a former head of the World Health Organization among many other advocates, have promoted voting for Democrats… to protect our climate, health, and human rights…and so much more!
The idea that tax cuts for the rich will trickle down to the middle class and more has not panned out. The bigger cuts give the wealthiest big-ticket items to enjoy while the masses face more challenges making up deficits.
Politics shouldn’t have to be so contentious but the stakes have never been higher… We really could use comprehensive steadfast think tanks guiding each quadrant of every state (and midsection as welll like a tic-tac-toe board to make sure the public understands what needs addressing and how to implement new bills or policies effectively.
We need many people to work as voluntary social workers and assist people with many basics regarding paperwork, work, rides, house and people care, meal planning, shopping and preparation and clean-up. Lots of basics.
Then the good times can roll once again. Hope you are finding support and able to encourage others along the way…most of the time even if not every day. Turn your clocks back Sunday at 2am (or late Sat night or early Sun morning…) and put your best effort forth to vote November 6th in CT…