Here are two stories, one written and one audio (at this time, I plan to get the text published soon–someway, some how so let me know if you want to help on that venture!)  Just google the following and they should pop up. The first is about making friends and helping one another on life’s journey which has ups and downs and storms but hopes as well.

The Turtle and The Acorn by Catherine Palmer Paton

The audio of the next one which you can also google, The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton, takes us on a journey into a world of possibilities ‘just below the surface’ and raises prospects about our magical connections and beginnings….and thus futures.

Let’s think of the great oneness and bigger love and magic in the world at this time of making important decisions that will affect the people and our plan-it…heart, body, mind and soul. We need to  pull together and envision better options for our magical world of possibilities.

Sharing our hopes and dreams is key to seeing them come true, so consider musing about your own life story in creative ways (add some twists that would make it come out better for you and others in your life…in your heart and mind’s eye particularly with a happier future in store. Even consider what if we don’t die the way we’ve been told generally, and perhaps if we are at peace in the spiritual realm, not suffering, even right after we cross over.

Celebrating a person’s life and the lessons we learned from them and staying connected in our hearts,dreams, minds and social circles with those who share the friendship with the person who crossed over can allow that friendship or family journey to continue in positive ways, even through that seemingly ‘ultimate transformation’ from physical to non-physical or spiritual.

Many traditions and people have felt there are ‘spiritual guides and helpers’, ancestors and others to remember as having secured our existence on many levels and worth considering if not ‘connecting with’ in our hearts to gain insight into our options.Some say if we ask a clarifying question before going to sleep at night of someone on the other side who we knew personally, they may help us have a dream with the answer coming through whether resulting in a feeling or clear answer.

Not opening one’s eyes right away but rather ‘staying in the dark’ to let the seed hatch out into a more distinct message or vision, recapturing the essence of the dream and recalling more details about who or what showed up and what the outcome or feeling was are all special skills we can each develop and even explore with one another by recounting experiences ideally after journaling or recapping them with our own summary in words. That kind of deeper seeking and gentle handling of our life condition could factor into these more challenging times for our population and planet.

Steven Greer and Paul Hellyer among others offer important insights about our greater human capacities as well as the likelihood of ‘not being alone in the universe’. They share theories with much history of the US and other countries being in contact with aliens and UFOs since the 1940s on the record. Many of our modern advances in technology have come from the coaching of aliens they contend.

Our very existence may hang in the balance of more people learning about whose been controlling the information at the top, often blocking leaders from knowing or disclosing information. But our earth has weathered the harm of pollution and destruction on many levels and will not last with us continuing on our same path, so an awakening and change is needed. The discovery of knowledge and using special powers in  healing helpful way for people and the planet is akin to the jewel.

The idea of a loving spiritual guiding presence that dwells not only in our midst but in our hearts is also part of the jewel imagery on a subtle level. On the surface the jewel is about animals and kids finding a special jewel that inspires them and somehow becomes more magical after breaking apart and landing to make sparkles on the snow. The water that connects all life and of which we are primarily composed is transformed as well after the jewel has been dispersed. When the snows re-appear they sparkle anew and the jewel when reformed from small bits of the jewel, has greater powers.

These are metaphors for what has happened over history, with people being challenged and at times torn apart, but strengthened with the love and courage that comes with caring communities and even a love from above, whether remembering those who have journeyed on and who may be our guides more than we generally can comprehend along with other spiritual loving guides.

Somehow the names and concepts can trip us up more than likely any kind loving force would want, but the discussion continues while the time for our peace making and collective evolution may be running out. Thanks for thinking on these things at this important imagining and voting time of the year. Every vote counts and all good thoughts add up too to hopefully balance out the not-so-good or fair which many mega corporate entities seem bent on seeing through…come hard times or end ones…Let’s do all we can to keep the light of love on the winning ballots and leaders and citizens!