The talk about The World’s Most Famous of Near Death Experience by Mellon-Thomas Benedict and one by Jeff Olsen has enlightened my mind quite a bit. I’ll try to summarize more.See his website,

.I wrote more about the passing of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton on June 16th, 2009 and there’s more on youtube and online about that strange and challenging turn of events.

He has like so mamy become like a mystical key to our understanding of our shared experience locally and online. The main points this NDE researcher shares are basically very helpful.

He says humans are miraculous and all one. The golden rule of doing unto others as we would want done to ourselves.He also shares that Gaia with all of us on the earth is the most remarkable time ever. People from the future will look back on us at the Giants of History.

Think about not workng for your daily bread…and rather do what we enjoy. So many amazing ideas in one talk and he keeps tuning in for more information.

The new people born on the planet (our children) can create much and may eventually be our parents in a future lifetime… jeff Olsen shared his talk on youtube also that’s quite moving in its own right He met his lovely future wife in college then had two kids. His wife and older son passed in a car crash when he was driving. But he had many amazing insights and a new legacy on life after he survived (one leg down but a new marriage and more…)

Lots of interesting ideas and great to tune into sooner rather than later to pomote hope. Peace and goodness all around!