Hula ‘dance’ such as at (which is surprising yet inspiring to see is allowed to happen in San Quentin prison under a federal protection to allow Native people to practice their religion with movement, song and ceremony…so it’s considered a religious freedom…Worth a listen (to the chanting also).
Very inspiring for these times… maybe more Hula or other movement meditation and appreciation for nature and community (separately but nearby or with special permission and secure time and supervision etc)could be done before school and sporting events…and other faith gatherings…
Some traditions are not open to people not of that ethnic or religious group from birth or by marriage etc..and some are not allowed to receive money for their time, teaching, healing etc.
Some are not to be led or even practiced by worth checking into all details and considering for a few months or more before just jumping in the loop…
That said, watching hopefully is okay (and is said to be open via this video…) and ideally that also would be done with a caring, fair-minded spirit (Treat others as you would want them to treat you..a theme found in most peaceful cultures around the world and the basis of many laws and practices in general over history/hertsory/theirstory/ourstory…) See more on