Round One of the the New Life Expo found yours truly there getting familiar with the amazing array of offerings at the booths and the many speakers. For a weekend pass I can go to two panels so I have those to look forward to. Tonight started with a special massage that left me feeling lighter and more integrated (of course twenty minutes on a nice massage table with shiatsu points being worked is rather relaxing..) I’ll track down the exact name but the group is hoping to open a center here in NYC…so Welcome!

Basically there should be a list of exhibitors with websites…and if not, I’ll put many on my blog so you can do more research. I did get some interesting information about Unarius…and of course, there’s more to learn. The main idea is to consider that we all have a capacity for Christ Consciousness and to ‘look within’ and accept that we may have some past life issues to address…

Negative karma as it were, or things that ‘go against the spirit’ such as ending one’s life in anger or revenge, may need more healing between lives. One idea is that ‘there’s a special place’ to receive healing for those who have had a harsh crossing over…with Venusian energy (think Venus, but I don’t know all the details though there’s a book that tells much more. I’ll see if there are used copies online etc…)

But the idea was that those getting the extra nurturing may go into the healing fields (medical, assisting people etc) to pass that healing energy along when they come back into their next life…There were books on Atlantis and the idea that there are many visitors from space here on earth and there’s lots to learn about how to evolve with love.

The booth I saw as I was leaving was about a kind of philosophy along those lines (started with an H, Hermitic maybe …and something about texting 474747 was on their sign…maybe to get more info.

There was a fellow named Skylin who makes incredible pieces of metal jewelry and has many talents…yet could use a sponsor or other investor…so I plan to tell a couple of folks I know about him.

For the record, I went to 11 Times Square to an SBA meeting for Women in Business, hosted at Microsoft which was rather elegant as an office and meeting space. Great pep talks with meaningful information for everyone to learn about the business formula NYC is supposed to use to direct a percentage of the work done in the city to women and minorities…yet is falling short of doing so. If federal funds for NYC are not used as directed,then that doesn’t look good on the city’s report card…and yes, they are starting to assess and grade. Lots of room for improvement in every agency and field…so I will fill you all in more about That soon (note to self.)

Well time for me to think of the nice singing bowls I heard being played. When I asked oneof the fellas playing those about any special diet he may be on, he shared that her rarely or never had red meat…and mainly it was veggies…blessed and nicely prepared.

I had a great salad of sprouts and nuts with Asian ginger dressing ( a high YF, Yum Factor_ from Jonothan’s Sprouts who have done business for decades near The Sproutman whose sons may be running their booth, Sprout Brothers tomorrow. We’ll see but yes we were thinking of them…and their amazing late father, Steven Meyerwitz.

Lots of amazing ideas flowed from the Ayurvedic medicine and gem booth… They have copper bracelets (yes I got one), copper bottles (have one from last year…) and tongue cleaners (I’m covered and need to use it regularly.) It keeps bacteria down and who doesn’t look forward to delaying any problems with teeth and gums…,

So these are some snap shots of what I got to indulge in tonight…Tomorrow (which technically begins in ten minutes…) will be surpassing what I could squeeze int o a few cool hours… Hope to say more tomorrow…and keep your eyes on the gems in your life and dreams…I did get to see beautiful gem trees, necklaces and more…and some moldavite (such as is mentioned by Eric Pearl in The Reconnection)which is from a meteorite…and the woman said holding it on the heart or third eye when meditating could increase intuition..

.I have a small piece somewhere so hopefully I can intuitively or otherwise be guided to find that one.yet also helping us Appreciate This World and All Its Inhabitants 100-fold. I will bid my loved ones in heaven a dear goodnight…and trust the angels can help take care of any fine tuning in my message and delivery… Peace, love, light, wisdom, trust, guidance, and friendship…with ourselves and others in balanced ways… Catherine and crew