Someone told me about their new  Mom friend  (who wants to share her story but I’ll double check) who is grieving the loss of her lovely child, a six- month -old who passed 36 hours after having her vaccinations. The Mom was being told is was simply a case of SIDS. The Mom is advocating for a more thorough accountablity and sharing of information with other parents about the potential risks of vaccines.
Often doctors don’t have the time or paperwork to pass along for parents to review in advance. Overall there is a lot of discussion about how many vaccines are given, the timing (especially for boys under 3 and possibly those  young boys who are black wherever they are in the world to have more consideration about having the MMR given separately versus all at once. I believe that is what Vaxxed shared and at this time, I am not going through all the research. Some say one study can be proven and the next says it is debunked. Again we need more current reviews with specific information for everyone to consider, and take some of the put-downs and such on the back burner so we can focus on what is critical and truly important to comprehend and discuss.
Knowing what options one has in their country, state and due to any medical  or religious considerations is also important to know well in advance. I looked up some information from Catie and read through the points. This is a timely type of issue, one of many with an obesity and drug epidemic,  for our ‘advanced society’. We all can learn from one another on many levels…and much of what I explore on looks at some of the ‘bigger possibilities’ for Why things happen the way they do, what our spiritual and life journeys may mean over time and with others we go through things with..both ‘supporters’ and ‘challengers’…
 There are many theories out there. Some have informed my own journey having faced the passing of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton in 2009 which I write about on many posts. With all due respect for the huge challenge and great sorrow this family is facing, maybe part of the journey little one who died and her mom and family ‘agreed to’ before they incarnated was to face this kind of difficult issue…and to bring more light and awareness to the sacred aspects of being in a caring family with close ties and supports. In addition the medical concerns about vaccinations have been growing over the decades since the 1980s or so when the first adverse effects, injuries and fatalities were acknowledged by the CDC and compensation was given to some. I think they capped it off at a certain amount. Maybe an advocacy group to speak with expectant parents and even more social workers, faith leaders and congregations would be in order to clarify what the known risks are so people with allergies to eggs or other medical concerns would at least be clear about asking questions.
 Then everyone else could line up their inquiries…and understand their options. They may still choose to have shots done, maybe with different pacing and so on or at a later age. The various arguments on both sides could be presented. I think there is a website or more about the pros and cons…(the theories and yes some ‘science’ yet always who is doing the study and so on should be clarified…and hopefully verified..)
Understanding that each mother and father or other parent and family members are bringing a lot to the table and need to have things explained, reviewed, even with a supportive ‘quiz’ perhaps and written verification that they actually feel they have been well-informed with a half hour consult ( and maybe per vaccine) would create a new standard to voluntarily pursue.
Preventing a repeat or a pattern of parents and community not really knowing What Vaccinations are made of, what the risk factors for anyone especially someone with certain pre-existing medical or other conditions are…and so on will take a concerted effort. NY legislators and their experts are debunking any information that there are safety concerns or particularly any that outweigh the benefit.
Much more to consider on these topics and many health matters, since the medical industry is designed to often do “too little too late’ in the name of allowing people their freedom. Often that means allowing or promoting ignorance and letting ‘business be business between consumers and sellers…yet more regulations are being offered to curb youth being impacted by harmful substances, very late in the game. The effects of poor health can carry over many generations, physically and energetically. Children of alcoholics (and I imagine other drug-users) are prone to those conditions more than most, and boys even moreso. Likely no one learns that til they are in high school or rehab if they ever get to those points in life sober so they have a fair chance at ‘beating the odds’.) I cover a few topics in addition to the initial thoughts about vaccinations…so my apologies if it’s hard to follow…just Pace Yo’self and read a bit at time…or maybe twice.
Maybe more videos to help people have that way of learning from people speaking about the info and giving examples of the feelings, questions and choices people are faced with …and how they arrive at their decisions would be in order. I will share some of this on my blog (yes,, which I happened to tell a couple dozen people about in my travels in NYC, many of whom jotted it up. One fellow Ryan was someone I followed onto the subway, in record time..and thankfully safely..but I told him and the few others cheering for my ‘good luck’ that I Will Count to 10 and not take chances hustling, running or leaping onto the subway whether just at the bottom of the stairs as was that case, or otherwise…
Thankfully I was alone but did have a stroller to carry something home with later…and well, I wanted to Share the Option with more folks for a practical way to Slow Down and Play It Safer. Another ambitious fellow shared he drove all night to make an important delivery in Miami in a large box truck…only to almost fall asleep at the wheel.
I thought things through with him to have more back-up options for any aspect of his business, particularly something like that so that he would not be alone (sharing driving is a good idea, even with two others or one following in a car with yet another friend, so rotating with 4 drivers for a 24-hour run…maybe some only going half way then the other two being fresh for the last leg of the journey.) By the way, the overtired driver made it. He had started out with a lot of energy and didn’t even realize how tired he was until he started dozing off… Woops!
See my posts about driving more safely with a planned route in general and ways to cut down on traffic driving in opposing directions, such as driving north at the top of the hour, south at the half hour, east at a quarter past the hour and west on the quarter before the hour. I’ll have to share that with every country, state and town and see who will promote that Voluntarily.
Also letting men and those identifying as male or binary gender neutral drive on the the odd numbers of the day and from 6am to 3 pm, and having women and those identify as female of binary gender neutral drive from 3pm to midnight on the even number days. That is provided people feel competent and choose to do so factoring in one’s work/life balance, physical and chemical balance and much more.
But the overall idea would be to have a way to ‘share the road and share the load of figuring out what works best.’ Following the laws and giving an extra space cushion so if people ‘cut one off’ or otherwise pass or do something unintentionally one has more response time and room to slow down (as in hit the brakes hard if you need to really stop to avoid an impact or slow down effectively…
Double Check but I think that’s what I learned from my fairly recent workshop I got to sit on with a pro…The braking systems in modern cars can do their thing. Again, double check about what to do in a skid and lots of other pointers. In general, plan to drive in good conditions such as not in storms or heavy rain or even rain if there are options. Pay attention to the hot or cold surfaces of a road, oil slicks, wet leaves and of course pedestrians and bicyclists who  often do have legal rights to be in a lane as far as I know unless there is a bike lane.
Then there are things like pets, kids, school buses and (kids waiting for buses and too often trying to race a bus once dropped off, so don’t let your kids or others do that or grab onto a truck etc when skateboarding or biking…etc.) Unless one has permission to do something as a youth from responsible adults and the community, the basic fall-back plan has to be ‘Don’t take unnecessary risks, and do have a lot of coaching well beyond getting one’s license or learning to bike or otherwise go out in the world, whether the country or the city.” Okay, so back to the initial writing about accountability of vaccines for doctors and basic education for parents and society..after a few more thoughts.
If any of these ideas get the wheels turning in someone’s mind to Rethink Everything With a Team with an Eye Toward Safety…even cleaning dryer lint screens especially in large buildings –hiring someone privately if ‘It’s no one’s job” but also have someone checking that it’s being done regularly…daily if not more often which small print may say on the dryer ‘needs to be done in sync with manufacturer’s recommendations for proper functioning…” The idea is Let’s Aim to Live Wisely, Safely and Cooperatively On All Levels.
The book calle Why Your Life Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It by Bruce McArthur explores the teachings of Edgar Cayce on these seemingly small matters…and help us evolve individually and collectively. We need to share the road and the load in life, whether something is impacting us externally or internally and whether we are aware of the ‘touchpoints’ of control and influence we have internally, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially and physically or not.
That set of ideas is key to the theories that inform how things flow and go (and turn out) in the microcosm (individually, small groups, towns) and macrocosm (larger circles of connection and the big world over lifetimes and history)  in human realms.
There is more widespread discussion about vaccines in NYC since there were measle cases (160 I think, but about 10 years ago or more maybe that was a thousand…see, I have to check..but there is talk of trying to do away with the religious exemption I think. The cases mainly came up in the Orthodox communities who don’t vaccinate. Some kids went to school with the principal’s lax enforcement of rules saying non-vaccinated kids should not go if there were an outbreak, so that’s why  the numbers increased is the theory.
The first cases came from someone who had been in Israel. They were saying the virus for measles could be contracted two hours after someone who had it was in a room, so that was again news to me… Sometimes the risk of having an illness like measles or pertussis is harshest (maybe fatal) for infants or could cause blindness in an unborn baby if their mother contracted measles…If I’m recalling there is a lot to learn and to consider…and certain agencies only seem to have to look at certain factors…and not tell or consider other important possibilities, such as the link to getting other conditions (MS, etc) later in life. Same goes for using birth control pills (which can have various side effects during the time of use and later on in life…not all good but again ideally a person is well-informed.)
The other Big Questions and Looking for the Big Whys (and Big Wise) to our lives are explored on this blog, and drawn from many traditions. Overall, someone going through such a difficult loss and taking it hard should be given ‘a year or two off’ to find support and healing I believe. It is a unique kind of soul wounding…and unfortunately our culture doesn’t have a name for any of that.
A team could be assembled for each aspect of what this brave young mother is facing along with her family who are all likely having their own challenges to accept and process what they are and much aside, just getting through each day is a job and important opportunity to find a new reason for living or ways to allow for healing of feelings, questions, hurts and hopes..
Yet all does not to be left unanswered…the inquiry she is making should be made by societal advocates..but without the money and mandate, nothing she is lighting the fire of inquiry and compassion for all parents and let’s face it the children born to them or adopted or otherwise in their care. These are challenging times on many levels and such courage is needed in many areas. We can draw upon each other’s courage and quests while we continue to format what our society needs to address in a timely manner..whether vaccinations. parenting and education, nutrition and fitness goals to prevent metabolic dysfunction, societal and legal woes, or other bigger issues. It All Matters…and can inform our collective journey.
In terms of climate change or natural disasters that can strike without much warning, we need to be prepared with finding team players to literally relocate for a day or more, feed more people or care for one another ideally with more plans in place. On top of that…considering that we are all on a spiritual journey in our human forms can take the edge off that sense of ‘senselessness’ and urgency to live our best lives or else..Every life is precious not only for the miraculous human body form we each have and the mind that has it’s cycles of waking and sleeping…but underlying all of that our spiritual light…some call it our luminous light body. While it would seem it may diminish or perish if our heart and or mind stops functioning..What if That’s Not The Case?
What if this baby and every other person who crosses into the next realm or out of this one is guided by healing beings who can help them with a meaningful life review, even ways to bid loved ones on earth a warm farewell and a sense of connection long beyond the time they close their earthly eyes…
That’s where many who have had insights offer a lot of hope..and yes, that includes Jesus who said he’d send his Holy Spirit who could attend to each and every person… The question seems to be whether that’s the only way, if it it only because of who Jesus (or another divine being is) that we have connection to the divine or if we have something in us that we call divine.
At this time, the idea of considering if there are more ‘advanced beings’ coming to earth (human noeticus) to help us navigate these times with an upgraded DNA configuration and other heart and mind wisdom to help with a world wide time of ascension is quite a set of questions…
I need to get ready to catch a train before too long so I will wrap this up… and put a lot of it on my blog so no worries if it’s not something you have time to read..those in the world who find it of interest or have time to think through the next implications or set of questions and ways to find support online and in their communities..and ideally in their closer circles as well… Peace, healing, light and kindness… Catherine and crew (past, present and future support team thinking things through or just wondering out loud…or in private about lots of things)