Thinking about things like ( “Joe Rogan Experience #331–Steven Greer”) this takes courage and community…and can be a way to find out way through various serious situations…
I am also reading A Whole New Mind by Daniel H Pink which describes how computers and an abundance of materialism are reshaping our world. Lots of outsourcing of jobs and production to other parts of the world. (The sub-title is Why Right Brainers will Rule the Future…I haven’t quite gotten to that part, but I think it would inform the discussion about education and much in our economy.)
That was written in 2005 so we can see how true that is. Some new friends were sharing how their jobs were eliminated (so they were not exactly fired, though one was in part due to saying a tech fix was ‘a piece of cake’ and the senior executive client felt they were being insulted.
There’s a Folk-Legacy TBM (Trickett, Bok and Muir) song which can be found on called Tails and Trotters that is worth a listen about a pig not wanting to end up on a dinner plate. The pig declares s/he is ‘executive pork and eats their viddles with a knife and a fork.’ Kids would likely enjoy hearing it as well and using the right side of their brain to understand the metaphor.
Now to consider the serious question that happened ‘front and center’ in the media on 9-11-01. I do not mean any disrespect to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones due to the initial tragedy or the ‘fall out’ from the event. I think they do deserve a ‘permanent funding status’ to cover health care and other costs which is being considered by Congress.
They deserve the truth as do those fighting in the wars that resulted from the supposed attack rather than from an inside job. There is a lot of very possible and more likely evidence that ‘two or three planes did not create the travesty that brought down buildings umpteen stories high.
Even if people were there or saw it, what they really witnessed may have involved a military type plane (not one with passengers) and an explosion on the plane Before it hit the buildings…(and possibly came out the other side which a real airplane could not do try as it might or doctored as the footage is to allude that it did.)
There is also a way for two planes to appear as one on a radar screen, with one flying a bit behind and lower than the one in front, then the first pulling out. That’s why there could be ‘radar evidence of one plane travelling directly to a sight, when in all likelihood it was two. That maneuver had been practiced many times in years prior.
Then there is the physical evidence of molten steel found in the 7-story deep base of the buildings. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough or long enough to create such a result. Nor would it send particles miles away or create certain substances (Thermite I think was the material…). There are many recordings and interviews with responders that indicate things were other than reported.
And Building 7 was ‘pulled’ which means demolished in a controlled fashion, as were the others though those may have been with a thermonuclear device brought in from passages beneath the buildings and timed to occur right after a decoy of the ‘planes’ hitting the towers happened a short time apart. These Theories should be considered Seriously by all Americans, and those who had to go fight in wars not of their own choosing. There was no clear footage of terrorists. The ‘facts’ we have been shown repeatedly could also be treated as Theories.
The supposed ones could hardly handle big aircraft. The plane that hit the Pentagon ‘can’t do what it said it did in terms of banking sharply and finding its way to such a small target.’ Even the towers would not be ‘easy to hit’ from the air with a commercial jet. These ideas are shared by many experts in lengthy talks that may have been banned but were on No Lies Radio and sites such as Lawyers for 9/11 as well as Architects and Engineers.
Their ethical professional duty is to assess the reality of the news and reasons given to the public as to the science behind such events. That would mean How A Building Could Come Down. Buildings that tall were required to be able to be brought down in their footprint so as not to hit other buildings. So in that respect the destruction was not that remarkable.
More likely ‘it was required.’ The benefit to not have to remediate the asbestos or other concerns of the buildings and basically to rid the skyline of them are likely reasons along with ‘finding a reason to go to war with Iraq as in get their oil.’
That the Pentagon was hit made it an ‘act of war’. With that ‘requirement met’ the insurance pay out doubled. In addition the 30 plus accountants tracking down huge sums of missing money were the ones done in by the attack which was likely more of a missile than a plane since no debris was found from a plane.
Those points were also explained online and again can pay homage to those innocent lives taken in the name of ‘who knows what.’ Basically the top government leaders were ‘not available by phone due to their remote locations’ during and after the attacks.. for quite sometime. Likely they all knew or agreed to let ‘someone else take the wheel’ and hope the chips landed in their favor.
It’s very hard to fathom why people would do such atrocious things if indeed they did in such an incredible country and expect on getting away with it. That is covered also, so it’s worth learning what Steven Greer and others say about even World War 2, space aliens and technology and ongoing activities that may really be making a splash not only on the big screen in an effort to ‘prepare people’ for fake alien ship and fake alien encounters designed to create fear versus considering the real ones that are hoping we will choose to do the Right Thing and stop destroying the earth, water, air and humanity on many levels.
The possibilities are astounding and could prove some of the best hope for our very near future..which seems to be dwindling by the decade. I know this seems dire and I have a few friends cheering us on to think and live a more spiritual ethical existence. I am right there with them and maybe will get a chance to hear more of what they see in their crystal ball. For now I feel it’s important to share what I’ve learned online and in speaking with people ‘by chance’ in large groups and small..
There’s a ton to learn and really re-think and even pray about. Hope this is okay for most to hear and for people to ‘let the possibilities Sink In.’ There seems a whole realm of ‘spiritual helpers’ as well, and likely would include our loved ones we knew and were close to, so that paints a reason to consider being kind to your family, friends and maybe even turn your enemies into frenemies..
Still it’s a two-way gig but one can hold a space for someone to shift over time or to have some mediators and others ‘report back’ as to how someone is doing or perhaps facilitate letters and communication over the phone etc, as it Really Is Safe, Legal and Appropriate to do so. Too much back and forth can make one’s heart and head spin…and any who are ‘on board’ whether young or old.
Not an easy set of factors and very few free realistic coaches to ‘break it down.’ See DVSur5vr (an independent outreach…which should be in every state or have a new similar offer created as well as more online support such as Safe and Together Institute which speaks of keeping kids safe and together with their protective parent, generally the mother.
Soon more citizens can look up Transition Town initiatives to help us break our addiction to fossil fuels. We can also advocate for healthier food and programs to teach people to Avoid Diabesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, diabetes and obesity, anger or fear or depression, abuse or other violence (far too rampant in families with elders or men lording their power and control over others illegally and yet righteously as part of the old patriarchal broken system.)
Good luck with finding some companions on the road to recovery and restoration of a new normal, teamwork and fair play in many areas of life. Best to all pursuing connecting wisely and reasonably with others online and in person..though it can be a challenge and takes courage and more. But what are the alternatives…to go down with the ship with neary a warning or word…I hope not. The more we all help those in need, make things more fair and friendly the sooner we can face the truth (whatever that really is) and make strides toward a more equitable, sustainable, kind future… may it be so.