It’s one thing to see a video of someone whose ‘made it to the top’ online. There are seemingly dozens of those offers on Facebook or an email offer. I’m not sure how I got connected with some offers from Carolin Soldo in terms of watching what her coaching programs offer. I know eventually I had a free consult call.
Those are great to help one ‘show up and figure out where one is on life’s road map.’ There are external and internal dimensions to one’s life. Dreaming and taking note of what one has achieved are important parts of ones resources, of where one has been and where one is going. What was one like as a child, who were some of major influencers in one’s life, what goals have been reached and what new ones and supports are emerging? Carolin Soldo has her own way of telling her story and sharing that she was ‘a regular person’.
Yes she’s achieved some major benchmarks academically (an MBA and is from Germany now living in the US) and with successful work experience before branching out on her own. She has a family too and wanted a good life-work balance. Once I learned of those points from her in person, so felt there was an added layer of authenticity and realized she was showing up for us to a free program no less, I wanted to hear more about how she actually pulled off making it big in the world…yet keeping in touch with those human values of family, friends and enjoying life.
I wanted to share that I barely recall how I signed up for the group program offer that was in NYC. I figured that I was seeing the offer in a timely manner (hadn’t missed it, could plan to get to NYC and have the day free) were ‘go indicators’. Maybe I would learn from her example about putting an event on, both with the advertising and reminders and showing up. Oh, did I mention there was some ‘homework to do’ before I got there? Right, I put that off but talked it over with a friend. I actually was having a problem printing out the 13 pages (with large writing and nice graphics such as a basic flow chart that thoughts lead to actions…who knew? But more than that there were some highlights about the before and after of that fairly obvious connection. Her material is copyrighted so I can’t spill the beans completely.
I decided I’d Just Answer the Questions best I could, for fun, with one of my many business ideas. But instead of jotting down 1. 2. 3. I decided I’d copy the question down since each was just a few lines or the info or the graph. I found that was a great way to connect with the material. Then I popped in some answers that seemed to work with focusing on what kind of program I would offer and so on, again with her helpful insightful prompts. I have heard similar things from many others.
Some say ‘Coach others that want to do What You have Already Done or Weathered, Learned or Experienced–good, bad or otherwise.’ When we look at life as a Huge Learning Experience in a World and Social Classroom, there’s plenty of ‘material.’ Carolin shared that there are 10K new coaches a month offering services.
Yet when we think of the US as having 300 million people, that is what we need. Sadly many don’t know how to direct their efforts (and yes, I am one of those and give a lot of information on this blog for free. I will need to review the terms of the Blue Host site soon and likely transition to Word Press, maybe hire someone to transfer each post maybe from at an affordable rate or do more on my own or with friends etc.)
So there’s a Big Problem Carolin Soldo and Patty Lennon, Jen McLean and other woo-woo gurus for coaches are helping address. The People need to feel there are capable, accountable helpers or coaches out there. Otherwise we are lost and not able to find help when we need it to the degree we need it. That means we can’t serve the people who would benefit and maybe even who we were “meant to serve.”
So the bases are loaded like a high stake baseball game, and it’s Bigger than The Yankees and The Red Sox. The Big Game of Life involves helping everyone feel like team players, important and valued and capable to do their part to help keep our boat afloat (that’s our own selves and our communities and Mother Earth herself as well as the Air We Breathe.) Plenty to do here.
One person shared they hope to help poor children find support (in India in this case, so be in touch with me a if interested in that or any of the following and let’s Network!) She was not quite a perfect match for the program Carolin Soldo was offering yet I suggested to her later maybe she could help others pursue altruistic endeavors…and get a lot of help in building her team “to be the voice to the voiceless!” as she passionately shared was her heartfelt desire and life mission.
With The Voice in America being mainly about one’s singing talent, maybe she could have her own show about The Voices of the Voiceless and feature various worthy causes and people to help along with creative solutions from Transition Town. That effort is part of permaculture and provides a way for all people to join together to work toward an equitable sustainable future. We may not have much choice in the future and be forced to why not get ahead of the game?
Well at the end of the program which ran for two hours on W24th Street in a lovely location, I felt I’d made the right decision to not only work through my fears of not being well enough prepared even having filled out my handwritten forms.
This next part is a rather detailed account of working through details that almost kept me from attending. That Kind of Thing is good to help myself and others reflect on and learn from so ‘new strategies can be used to be Better Prepared.” I meant to do all of this the day before and head down to that area early on Thursday. Instead I networked with another amazing person running a foundation.
She shared there is already a plan for office space and a designation of an area resource to help people in alignment with their efforts and bearing their name. I won’t share details just yet, but all of it was very inspiring and impressive. Finding the right people to put the initial hours and weeks and months of labor in to fuel up the efforts in the midst of ‘unpaid work-life balance’ is something that is yet another common challenge. That’s something I have found myself to be in the midst of where “life keeps happening when I’m busy doing something else” as one friend noted a while back.
So regarding these next points, consider what ‘small details (airplane tickets, proof of identity, cash, credit card, print out, homework, and timing of travel and conditions to drive, walk or fly or take trains or buses etc) one may need to plan a little extra for with support, lists and time cushions.
I sent the email I had from Carolin Soldo to I was going to have the worksheet pages printed out so I look better prepared and in case she referenced things in a way I would want to find carefully.
I had gone there a couple days prior and realized my phone did not have internet there and they did not have a guest pass for wi-fi. One employee said to mail it to her or pay to use the computer and put my own password in for email account. Thing is I have to remember and write down the password so I learn it better. That was taking me time and ‘I kept forgetting that small detail which I’ll work on next now that I’m Thinking About It.’
So I got there to print things out since they’d received the email. But This worker could only print out the worksheets. I didn’t want to pay for 13 pps. since I copied it over in about 5, but she had pressed ‘print’ (in color since it had to be done that way.) I didn’t Have To buy it but I thought it would look good and I’d keep track of it for longer. But the ticket couldn’t be downloaded on Their Computer. I had a copy on my phone I was fairly certain I could access but knew it may be required to enter. I played out the scenario of having figured out how to get on the G train and swith at Metropolitan Ave then get to a Lorimer Street Subway on to 6th Ave and 14th Street and walk up ten blocks (in the rain as it would turn out.)
I haven’t travelled much in the city so part of why I go on such excursions is to keep my skills up best I can. Allowing extra time helps as does getting on the correct line of the G (going Towards Queens which it says on the sign versus the other way.) I take the G to Hoyt/Scher. and onto Carroll Gardens and towards Queens and go to Court Square (recalling that The Queen is in her Court”) and the G Train Ends there then runs back to Church Ave which would be away from Queens (who is still in her Court.)
When I get off at Court Square I have to hike underground to get the 7 Train Towards Manhattan (since I am not going to Queens usually) to get to Grand Central mainly. That entrance is on the far side of the stairs one sees that leads up the platform and has a sign the reads “Manhattan” directly in front of the stairs hanging from the ceiling but one needs to look up to notice it.
That can be tricky in a crowd. There is a person in a help booth there at the top of the escalator should one feel confused or usually a lot of other people. Many are ‘on the go’ and plenty of others on their phones or with headsets on. Same with people on the subways, many are tuned into their screens or listening to music so not easy to ask a question of.
In terms of appreciating the Brooklyn Clinton Hill Neighborhood, I did my community networking in terms of going to a nice fundraiser 75th Anniversary Gala at the Cadman Congregational Church on Clinton Ave that is coming up in June. There are a few tickets left but they’d need to know by Sunday if you plan to attend the semi-formal event (at $100/ticket) I am open and hopin’ people would like to help me cover that basic price. I have gone to about a dozen events there and services about 20 times.
They are a small friendly group of people. There is a lovely social room and kitchen and lawn space which will be used for the event. The Brooklyn Dance Studio is located in an upper level. They are offering wonderful programs, some only $5 a class. Check out their website and get your dancing self over there to join in the fun (and sweat a little.) Yours truly indulged in one class (not having taken a class in ages…and found it very enlivening…) Now to study the notes some more and practice around the house in case I get to another class in Haitian Folk Dance with live drumming!
I wanted to keep brainstorming about a few other notions but will take a break. This post should remind me. There are many resources such as at The Brooklyn Commons. The Left Forum is happening at the end of June in NYC. Volunteers are needed. Check out their FB page..some heartbreaking and even alarming stories.. so lots to consider.
I picked up a flyer about Flim Making Workshiops. see Low cost through a Cinema Arts Non-Profit with sessons starting as low as $50! Registration is open year round. See their site.
Check out offerings in the MA Berkshires and CT/NY corner in local papers and websites too. Ideally the wisdom and good times can be appreciated from one area to the next. Lots of learning and growing to do on all fronts and safe passage along the way!