Thanks to all who are training..The more basic first aid and Safety Planning for All States (and Countries) the fewer crises may emerge. Please ‘Think Before You Drink’ if driving (“Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving” as the billboards say.
The blood alcohol content (BAC) legal limit is about one drink for women and two for men generally, but if one has a collision due to their drinking who wants to believe that was ‘an unavoidable accident’ ?
Eating food and waiting may help but ‘why push one’s luck’ and everybody else’s in one’s car or on the road? There should be more ‘Designated Drivers for hire’ right outside of bars and planned for in advance who of course would need to be very legit (given their riders may be intoxicated.)
The reasons to not go out drinking likely outweigh the ones to go out (if anyone wants to Think Before They Drink) if one doesn’t have a sober ride on the way home.
Likely this is a “New Thought’ for many, so party planners, please work out some great deals for daytime events (when a sober elder or other safe driver may feel more comfortable driving, knowing others hopefully aren’t coming home from drinking events at that time and being able to see the road better without glaring lights (if someone is developing cataracts and so on…)
These are just a few ideas to help people stay safer getting from point A to point B. Another Free Tip (for now) is to SLOW DOWN and Plan A Trip to have more time to get there with 15 minutes to spare (for construction, going back for something or someone one forgot, and all that jazz, even get gas at 1/4 tank to avoid damaging an engine or running out.That’s a few extra tips, but whose counting those…
Please don’t forget to Count Your Drinks and don’t pile them up in one day.. that’s one a Day for women and Two for guys.. Hopefully everyone can keep track of that math. And it’s Zero for 24hrs if flying (that’s 24 hours Bottle to Throttle) which would be a better standard for operating Any Machinery.
If that’s a very difficult idea, one may have a problem…More people are discovering ‘Less is More’ fulfilling in terms of limiting sugar intake from all resources (including you guessed it, alcohol.)
Diabetes (and obesity, high blood pressure and other woes) doesn’t come out of nowhere and it can be affected by limiting sugar and carbs. That’s news to many in the medical profession since they don’t really study nutrition, So time to Think For Ourselves as if it Matters…
Because of course It Does! Thanks for doing what you can to try these ideas out and share with others… even if it’s a teensy bit controversial…at least more people will have a clue of what to do and what Not to Do if they want to up their odds for health and safety.