is the second talk I have heard tonight, the first being one by Peter Fenwick from England on Ted Talks and Youtube. There are many levels of existence (11 levels…) and much we don’t comprehend (see 30 minutes into this talk which says we are ‘stuck with our old scientific views that we are in 4-D, but that’s only 4% of our world.)

String theory explores that thought underlies the reality of the universe…moreso than matter. We don’t know how consciousness I think this blog, a small fraction of what I think about and chat about with people (much less than in the past but with more people in various circles so feel the ideas are flowing more freely.)

This fellow is saying that scienticists are learning that ‘it isn’t safe to figure things out or ask questions’ that could put their careers in jeopardy. That makes a lot of sense and unfortunately is all too true in many fields… like a giant sink hole effect… Hmmm, let the talking and dreaming begin, Out Loud…Thanks for tuning in as you can.