Pooja Khanna, the delightful inspiring founder of BeginToHeal.com has a glow and sparkle about her.
As do the handful of practitioners I met last night out of the dozens she has in her amazing network.
I will direct you to seek more information to encourage you to learn from their offerings online and in person in the NYC area (and likely some can do Skype or Distance work I imagine, but don’t quote me.)
I will aim to learn more. I wanted to post what Pooja Khanna sent me but I haven’t figured that out yet.
Still this should get you going that healing direction.
What follows is the back story to how I was guided to meet her or did so ‘by chance.’
I feel fortunate a day later to be able to reflect on the lovely turn of events and hope more people can benefit from a variety of healing modalities that work for them.
See other posts I have shared and in the end, do what really feels okay and in alignment with your journey, ideally with some support from others and even your medical doctor.
As a disclaimer, I do not endorse or claim any medical or legal expertise.
I am sharing resources and ideas as I discover them as information that a reader then can do ‘due diligence’ to research and partake of according to their own sound judgment and under the advisement of professionals they work with whether medical, legal, spiritual or otherwise. That goes for all of the livfully.org blog. That said, “Bon Appetit!”
As many may realize from the last few posts, this has been a very special and in ways difficult month of June 2019 for me, ten years after our teen son’s untimely passing helping to save friends.
This also turned out to be a hard month as of June 21, 2019 for many in my small town area of the northwest corner of CT and beyond.
With the passing of another young man in a water situation with unusual circumstances, there was a kind of deja vu… We’ve been here before yet didn’t see this one coming.
He was a professional Supposed to be doing some important work and had taken the proper precautions and had back up support ‘right there’.
We are learning more as the days unfold that indicated he died from an injury to his torso which caused him to pass away in the water when he was working as a professional diver.
There is news coverage on these events that occurred in the Greenwich NY area.
Even as some ‘explanations emerge’ there is a sacredness of awe for his life and our community having to face an unthinkable turn of events.
Believing that the energy of a person can continue in some form and keep those in the mortal realm inspired and encouraged whether due to their own gratitude and connections to others here and beyond and yet to come…or also factoring in the possiblity that the connections continue ‘from the other side’ can help one walk through this kind of challenging time with more hope and love than fear and worry.
But it’s a balancing act and important to ‘take it easy’ and pace oneself and one’s days with support and inspiration as one may be able to find and fit in along with commitments whether for work, caring for others or oneself.
I had shared a lot online, with a FB Tribute Fundraiser for Kaelan’s Memory (whose service is on youtube.com in short segments to help others facing challenges.)
Before the month’s end by Steve Wingard’s family was running a FB Funeral and Memorial Fund that is still taking donations and reflects the great support the community feels for this wonderful family.
One of my family posted a stunning rainbow over the power plant in Falls Village CT that recently occurred. These kinds of shared endeavors to learn and care and look for signs can feel like ‘Hellos from the Other Side”.
Folks like PMH Water who has written many books over years of research would likely say I’m headed in the direction of guidance…and hopefully encouraging others to feel it’s okay to ask questions and consider the meaningful answers and natural flow of next steps when considering the Bigger Picture…
A special hope for all having old wounds still cause much pain or be ‘re-triggered’ there likely are many who can assist with relieving that, so this ‘directory and plethora of practioners’ is coming at an important time. Hope to hear more and allow for discussions with respect even if there are differences of opinion, such as some on The Reconnection may present in terms of ‘doing one modality’ and not mixing frequencies. There is a book and site with that name, so that’s worth looking into as well.
That’s the setting I found myself in on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 when I happened to take a walk down near Jill Lindsey’s in Brooklyn NY. I heard there would be a nice gathering there so I planned to circle back after supper.
Never know if my plans will work out given other people and so forth, but thankfully I made it back, a bit late but still able to hear Pooja Khanna introduce the Begin To Heal workshop she was offering with a few other alternative healer practioners.
They each gave some background about their modality. About twenty of us got to have a guided visualization after a sound bath by a different practitioner. Then there were some free sessions offered to tune into what may need balancing.
I got to have a 10-minute session with a very special fellow who did a bit of ‘readings’ of my energy and gave me his insights, talked in a caring way and helped me have some practical and inspirational ways to feel more grounded. I felt it was a hug from heaven to have found out about the event and then have such a beautiful set of experiences unfold all in the span of an hour or so.
As a bonus I got to speak a bit with Pooja and invited her to sent me more information which I will try to figure out how to post, but basically all the amazing information about what she’s dreamed up along with extensive collaborators in the healing arts will be a blessing to many I am sure.
I heard from a two other people how they knew people who had loved ones pass in unexpected ways, such as a father saving his own child and another but not being able to save himself. I had heard a similar story and for a moment we considered if it could have been the same situation in a state far away, but then we realized it wasn’t. Still, I may be in touch with that mother and offer support.
Another healer shared he and his friends did special work in memory of a mutual friend to help that person’s memory and efforts for healing continue.
That reminds me now of the fund in memory of my friend Karen Kisslinger (.com) which is meant to help people pursue alternative healing.
Later that night I shared with a friend more about the insights to consider the positive outcomes of things that may be a worry for me (and today shared more of that with someone closer to the situation and now with many of you that.) Ideally I’d like to have a more secure vision and feeling for maintaining ties and a homebase in the northwest corner of CT, ideally on the road my family has been for decades which happens to be close to where our son Kaelan passed at the base of the Falls, so I feel close to him when I’m there.
I had a rather clear memory and feeling come back about walking up and down the road the day or two after his passing…and being interviewed by NBC News Channel 6 in CT. That time ‘really happened’ and in many ways felt like it ‘was happening again’ with the loss of one of his high school classmates. That young man, Steve Wingard, I just learned had been a top wrestler in high school.
I shared that in ways his passing brought to mind the difficult passing of Houdini who could get out of crazy water entrapments yet passed when he inadvertently allowed someone to give him a punch in the abdomen. The jab resulted in internal wounding without Houdini being prepared for it propertly (and that was something I read about in a communication book so always remember to think about what one is agreeing to and what they might Think you are agreeing to, so keep your distance and ask them to repeat back what you say before taking any actions…)
Back in June 2009, there was some brief news footage of some of what I shared encouraging people to hold their kids close and for all youth to live well with support to honor the legay of those who leave early.
Not to pressure people too much but the gift of life and having a secure community foundation is nothing to take for granted or to put through the paces of difficulty. All of that makes me feel Kaelan was helping me get through those initial days and was again ‘checking in’ or having his angels do so, or the Holy Spirit…however it works.
Ideally everyone would have state and local support to face Any Kind of Difficulty, not waiting until someone ‘qualifies for help’ due to ‘circling the drain’ whether on their apparent own or due to the matrix of social forces that can play out in the lives of those dependent on others (emotionally, economically, academically or otherwise.)
Integrity is a great goal to strive for and to appreciate is not a ‘given’ so really does hold great value and can give a special sense of living earnestly and well, in harmony with the greater good and the efforts of those on whose shoulders we stand.
Thanks to all considering these reflections that I am putting down because of the information Pooja Khanna followed up with regarding the wonderful set of offerings one can avail themselves to in the NYC area with her innovative services. I can think of a dozen people I will give her contact info to in addition to all of you. Hopefully you can take a moment to share her site as well.