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Getting In Touch with your Inner Yogi...take online and in-person classes (or use a book or rock a baby with a gentle step, even pretend to)

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 19:41

Move With Grace is a lovely spot to do yoga (and even have a healthy drink) in Brooklyn NY. They run a  special of two weeks for $45 for unlimited classes...Anyone lucky enough to live close enough to it to take advantage of that offer (given time and basic flexibility though there are many offerings and one can work at their own level which is true of many fitness programs) would be wise to jump right in (or get in shape a little at home, maybe using the Yoga By Candace site and app or her book Namaslay.

5.0 out of 5 stars on Namaslay. Candace Moore can Dance her Yoga and Life and get US-All on the Mat, Ain't Nothing Like That in Politics (yet)

on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:28

Having followed Candace for many years, I could have been biased and super excited to see what was beyond the intriguing beYOUtofull cover...(okay maybe I was and am a tiny bit biased) but the delightful bright pink top pops from every page such that it brings delight to even a tot I care for when flip through the pages and then stop to show her one of the poses of Candace stretching skyward or doing a fanciful pretzel with a twist pose, neck elongated and gaze steady behind her. I was lucky to get to the Barnes and Noble book launch, so consider yourself 'almost there'.

The prices here are

She(a fit and inspiring soul), wrote it (an exciting, clear book), and they showed up (her fans and at least one struggling fellow) and complained...about Tough Times in Chicago!

on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:18

The latest from one trailblazing yogini with a high cool factor and gorgeous new book out for living and getting in shape is that a disgruntled dude said at her Chicgo book-signing that it isn't true that a person can just want good things and they will happen even if they work for it. To not affect PR and who knows what about contracts, I'll keep this in a general context, but plug in your favorite mentor and consider the following outcomes from someone voicing their discontent with being offered dreams that seem too impossible to fulfill in a timely fashion and on one's own.