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She(a fit and inspiring soul), wrote it (an exciting, clear book), and they showed up (her fans and at least one struggling fellow) and complained...about Tough Times in Chicago!

on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:18

The latest from one trailblazing yogini with a high cool factor and gorgeous new book out for living and getting in shape is that a disgruntled dude said at her Chicgo book-signing that it isn't true that a person can just want good things and they will happen even if they work for it. To not affect PR and who knows what about contracts, I'll keep this in a general context, but plug in your favorite mentor and consider the following outcomes from someone voicing their discontent with being offered dreams that seem too impossible to fulfill in a timely fashion and on one's own. 

Unfortunately, security felt it necessary to ask him to leave (likely without an option to stay) after he went on for a bit that the hard times he was facing economically are too much to figure a way out of or just find a way to 'accept and hope programs pop up in time' to keep him  and others from sinking. I heard of this second or third hand,but that is a valuable set of points to put in print, to acknowledge and Thank All Authors, Teachers and Others for being part of the way this man's concerns got voiced for US-All to start helping figure out.

Ever hear of crowdifunding and indiegogo, of faith groups and social groups addressing homelessness or food and heat needs, work assistance and other types of stop-gap measures? What aobut a National Buddy System of Six people working together, in two groups of three?

That's been on my mind for a while. Safetywise, keep it public and have guys work with guys and gals work with gals for starters. Reference folks of the opposite gender with 'chaperones' and monitors in public places even to get paperwork, recommendations, any kind of monetary or credit assistance. Put things in Writing, and Get agreements notarized With Two Witnesses (that goes for Wills as well.)

A lot of this kind of important simple first steps is a bit like knowing where a mat is and what to do for basic poses before balancing on one's arms or even partially on one's head. Start smal, find a friend or someone in the community to help you with figuring out some basic game plans for the next week, month and few months...and if appropriate for 'the year.' Likely a month or two would make sense. A lot can happen in a few weeks and then in that 60-90 days.

Keep the tips in mind from any and all inspiring books and online outreaches (and those in person) about living your best life with an attitude of gratitude and getting good peeps (people) in your corner to help you Be Consistent and Follow Up with Paperwork, Details, Good food and rest and all the other Small Stuff that comprises  life for Any human person or even critter as the case may be (remember to feed, water and care for pets and plants, even your car, home and other important things like phones, car and house keys and bank accounts etc.

If you don't have an account, car, home, etc, maybe a friend can help you with loans and working to do trades and build up Social Capital which is a lot of what trust and good relationships are about. Keep posted on this blog and others for other gems of wisdom and good ideas...and Trust Your Own Journey as part of your path for growing spiritually and emotionally, maturing enough to help others who may struggle in a similar way. Keep your boundaries clear, don't do Over Care and Messy Managing of more than you can handle without bad stress... (that's part of the Take. No. Crap. wisdom Candace Imparts....) Okay, get your library to Order.Her. Book. Namaslay.

Today...then share with your community. You Can and Will Do It (not just get the book ordered, but conquer some of what is trying to conquer your spirit and life with the wisdom in that and just in the universe, online and of course here at Hope you can take a moment to rest and breathe that new dream that's unfoldiing for you and US-All now...and exhale slowly....let the worries go and the sunlight of love into your soul on each inhalation...


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