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5.0 out of 5 stars on Namaslay. Candace Moore can Dance her Yoga and Life and get US-All on the Mat, Ain't Nothing Like That in Politics (yet)

on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:28

Having followed Candace for many years, I could have been biased and super excited to see what was beyond the intriguing beYOUtofull cover...(okay maybe I was and am a tiny bit biased) but the delightful bright pink top pops from every page such that it brings delight to even a tot I care for when flip through the pages and then stop to show her one of the poses of Candace stretching skyward or doing a fanciful pretzel with a twist pose, neck elongated and gaze steady behind her. I was lucky to get to the Barnes and Noble book launch, so consider yourself 'almost there'.

The prices here are better than the $39.95 retail, but I signed up for the B&N Membership for 25 which saved me 4 bucks off the book price. See what a great deal you get with Amazon? Still, I got my copy signed and dedicated to all of my family and that little tot so when she grows up she knows Candace was part of her inspiration as I am sure she will be parts of Yours. Blessing and have a Namaslay Day!

The Chicago signing brought out a discouraged soul, so let's wish him and all in struggle mode the courage to band together with helpers (like Candace) to get inspired and set their Can Do Dreams on fire with More Yesses and less Distresses!

(This was my comment about Candace's book on get your copy for less than 30 bucks and thanks for taking time to review to let folks know what you think...especially if positive, but this is America and for that we need to be Grateful since freedom is being diminished at a high rate of speed, especially for women with talent and drive.)

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