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Ins and Outs of Housing Costs, Hidden or Unexplained Fees added onto Rents (in NYC and likely elsewhere)

on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 17:52

Discover details about the ways that rental fees drag down already-struggling tenants: https://nsacasa.files are-fraud.pdf. This information was found in an email from a grassroots group of concerned tenants in a large housing complex in New York. About a hundred people out of over 5,000 have been served a notice to produce a copy of their lease agreement.

If failing to do so, measures are taken to insist on compliance within a month that were supposed to take longer (a few months.) People can find themselves locked out of their apartment, even if they have are

A Quick Comment on the UN Women's Thanks to Ban Ki-moon who helped start it

on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 03:44

What a treat to see a site called which seemed to have Good News such as making plates from Leaves rather than plastic. The next short video (a couple of minutes) was on the UN Women showing the work done by Ban Ki-moon. Very inspiring ideas...gender equality and Ending Violence Against Women by 2030 (of course, the sooner the better.) A few folks in the comments were Not Impressed however, alleging the UN is not doing what they could to promote peace and health in all places they have access.

To the extent that's true, that is a problem.

When Street Fairs, Services and Situations become Like Sweat Lodges, Get Water, Wet and Wish for Wonderful Healings for Mind, Body, Soul and the Whole World

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 12:12

After that winding introduction and the wishful thought of wild winds moving the heavy heat out of a NY apartment  where I've been sweating it out much of the summer (but thankfully with some working Air Conditioning whereas not everyone has working AC.). I could use Another sip of my cool lemon water. Not ice cold, just from the tap, which is better for the body and can help it maintain homeostasis, the same temperature.

We have to think of ourselves at times as machines or vehicles not unlke automobiles.

Pool Time, Cool Time with Friends and Families from each Grade Networking Too About Town. Include all students as you can in helping kids join events and programs.

on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 03:25

For folks in the Tri-Corner MA/NY CT area (Say Sheffield to Sharon, and Goshen to Amenia), the Falls Village Pool may be a great place for a cool destination visit for you or others you'd like to plan to enjoy it with. Check the town recreation site for rules and fees.

They are fairly reasonable for individuals from other towns (5 dollars per person per day). For a three hour party, there's a fee of $125 so see how many folks you could invite to make that worth while.

Be Awakened by We're on the clock and ready to rock!

on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:09

When we discover important posts on facebook, how many take time to "share" it with the public? Is it safe to do so? Not always, so more forums to 'spread the words to put down swords' of despair, inaction, confusion, isolation, and poverty on all levels are rising up just in the nick of time. I hope you take a few minutes to share before you look at the site in case you forget to do so.

Maybe you will be motivated to Take Action and forget seeds of ideas and Take Action before you watch and see results return to you 1000-fold..many thanks! Now enjoy your viewings of
