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Are Our Beloveds Helping Us Evolve With Love, Is that What It's All About?

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 13:18

This Sunday May 14th, 2017 finds the United States (and maybe other countries since we are very international online and good ideas catch on and people travel and have connections around the world) it's Mother's Day!

Some "Good News" from "The Other Side" (yes, that Other Side, and the book by that name by Geozuwa

on Sat, 04/29/2017 - 17:59

When I went to the NYC a month or so ago, I knew there'd be a lot 'wild and wonderful and even crazy' ideas and 'energies' to consider, not to mention people to see and sights and sounds to hear.  I did get to see Eric Pearl in person from as well as briefly chat with Dannion Brinkley. site had come to mind to check for her Tuesday night online talk and that's where I learned of it in a small ad.

When It's Hard to Disclose a Topic. Maybe it's best Not to do so to Authorities.. but Good to Get Support. A Mixed Messge? Kind of...

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 15:28

Tough topic to talk about or learn about..but worse for everyone if people are kept in the dark. Actually the idea of pressing charges as Senator Markey from NY and many others are seeking for adult survivors of sexual abuse as a minor or disclosing is one that needs a lot more reflection to help victims heal and abusers not repeat.

Likely they were harmed as youth (maybe not even old enough to remember) or got warped by our culture even if not abused or from good families (for the most part.)

If they get prosecuted and imprisoned, they like many prisoners will be put through the mill and

In response to the 14 people who are living with the "orphan Gene' that is fatal over comment from that story and My Condolences. Rooting for a Miracle for You and US-All in our similar Mortal Boat Dilemma

on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 16:31
  • Ideas on The Reconnection and Dr. Sha as well as most faiths that allow for many unexplainable healings and even being brought back to life could be worth everyone having a look at. The realm of spirituality is full of mystical and more 'cause and effect' as well as universal laws we might benefit from knowing about such as offered by Edgar Cayce through A.R.E. and Rudolf Steiner and folks like Dr.

For Kaelan, A Hero and Friend to the End, and Father Forgive Them and US by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Sat, 02/25/2017 - 21:55

Reflecting on the situation of more mystical and serious matters, sometimes a poem comes to mind. If I find a pen and paper in a timely fashion, I jot it down. Then if I'm lucky I find it again (in this case about four years later on 3-10-13) and think to put it in an email or on google drive documents. For Kaelan, A Hero and Friend to the End Father Forgive Them and US The links are to two poems about the turn of events that led to the
