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When It's Hard to Disclose a Topic. Maybe it's best Not to do so to Authorities.. but Good to Get Support. A Mixed Messge? Kind of...

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 15:28

Tough topic to talk about or learn about..but worse for everyone if people are kept in the dark. Actually the idea of pressing charges as Senator Markey from NY and many others are seeking for adult survivors of sexual abuse as a minorĀ or disclosing is one that needs a lot more reflection to help victims heal and abusers not repeat.

Likely they were harmed as youth (maybe not even old enough to remember) or got warped by our culture even if not abused or from good families (for the most part.)

If they get prosecuted and imprisoned, they like many prisoners will be put through the mill and

Is $15 a Good Investment in (American Institute for Economic Research) to support their work? I was going to say yes, and still will but for a different reason.

on Tue, 04/04/2017 - 22:04

I enjoyed taking some programs that were offered a few years ago with Maia Conty and others focusing on Women and Economics.Maybe it'a a forum with varying opinions on many economic topics. They have a guide about colleges (indexes of bang for your buck..based on many factors) and which ones have good results for students to find work, places where they actually end up working and so on.

It is a non-profit and well funded, but likely having more members show the funders there is need, interest and value in their research and offering their views.