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Edgar Cayce

In response to the 14 people who are living with the "orphan Gene' that is fatal over comment from that story and My Condolences. Rooting for a Miracle for You and US-All in our similar Mortal Boat Dilemma

on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 16:31
  • Ideas on The Reconnection and Dr. Sha as well as most faiths that allow for many unexplainable healings and even being brought back to life could be worth everyone having a look at. The realm of spirituality is full of mystical and more 'cause and effect' as well as universal laws we might benefit from knowing about such as offered by Edgar Cayce through A.R.E. and Rudolf Steiner and folks like Dr.

Regarding a FB post about Paul Ryan and family not giving a hoot if anyone else has health care besides them...

on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 22:35

 I appreciate the sentiment but feel 'we have to leave the kids out of it' (the photo messaging...) They have likely chosen to help with reforms but even a lamb could be scared (or scarred) by hateful attacks.

As for their parents, likely we can pray they could see the light of day since blindness and poor health usually follows (maybe over lifetimes of choices) an insistence on attaching to narrow-minded greedy paradigms...

(This is the jist of Edgar Cayce teachings I believe) Maybe as a nation we are 'Testing Theories' by having a dynamic play out 'larger than life' regarding materialism and

Off to Canada for a Grand Prix Type Weekend! Come Along! Hojanay with love to those above too (Good Vibes)!

on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 13:46

I invite you to listen in on my quick trip to Montreal, Canada from New York City from Wednesday, June 8th through Sunday, June 12th, 2016. I was unaware of the tragic event unfolding in Orlando, Florida at the Pulse Club shortly after 2am on Sunday. I will continue to pray for healing for all families and communities who were first line and secondary victims as well as US All who have much to think about deeply locally and globally to prevent such downturns in our free society.

As some theories suggest, a person's soul may take a few days to transition completely so let's keep those who

The Time of Our Lives, Flowing by Like a River..and Playing Out in Real Time With Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Ideas

on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 22:33

Ed Trickett and a number of other folk singers (some from Folk-Legacy Records which now has its music on youtube such as  Ed Trickett's Gently Down the Stream of Time) sang at our teen son Kaelan's memorial service (July 2009. about a month after his passing from trying to rescue a friend from a fast river. His friend was saved by a rope rescuer moments  after Kaelan passed awa in the water.

Grumbling Gryphons Enliven Tales to Teach Letting in the Light and Leaving Bullies Behind! Dr. Sha and Edgar Cayce likely would Agree!

on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 13:00

 As Hannukah comes to a close, which conveys the Jewish experience of oil burning for 8 nights when there was only 'enough for one night' and is a sign of the God's grace and miracles, a group of school children and adults were enchanted by the Grumbling Gryphons theatre troupe who acted out two trickster tales with inspiring messages:

Do not let anyone steal your light--whether the sun, moon and stars (and by association, clean air, water, and way to live and provide for your family and others on our small singular planet) or your inner light of free will, respect and self-preservation,
