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Regarding a FB post about Paul Ryan and family not giving a hoot if anyone else has health care besides them...

on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 22:35

 I appreciate the sentiment but feel 'we have to leave the kids out of it' (the photo messaging...) They have likely chosen to help with reforms but even a lamb could be scared (or scarred) by hateful attacks.

As for their parents, likely we can pray they could see the light of day since blindness and poor health usually follows (maybe over lifetimes of choices) an insistence on attaching to narrow-minded greedy paradigms...

(This is the jist of Edgar Cayce teachings I believe) Maybe as a nation we are 'Testing Theories' by having a dynamic play out 'larger than life' regarding materialism and fast-paced living at the expense of tribal care and guidance.. we've gone from 'I have your back' thinking to getting 'sta**ed in the back" (trying not to perpetuate that reality thus the different spelling).

As humans, we even do this to "ourselves" and when we are in that mode of 'acting out on others' whether personally or politically we get pulled into 'the dance of wildness and weirdness'.

That's why some gurus say our 'real selves' are awake when our mortal bodies are sleeping each night (or 6-8 -10 hours out of the day.) Likely if we promoted Vitamin S (for sleep...) then we likely could prevent most of the maladies that befall us.

But No, we are 'pedal to the metal' on burning the midnight oil and up before the rooster crows..

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