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Donald Trump

NShA: New Shared Agenda for 2020 (starting today): RETHINK EVERYTHING! (Part One)

on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 14:49

Good Morning from a 50 something year old person who woke up with a LOT of ideas to share. The list will be put ina few posts, starting with this one today-a dream about a baby duck hatching out at a kids' party and needing supervision so the little bird wouldn't get lost in the mix of post Christmas fun and visiting.

The homeschoolers hosting this party lived right near the shopping center in Sharon CT (not the Real homeschoolers in that area who likely have moved on, but Another my dream, who I'd known informally but missed the fact they were homeshooling especially That many

After More Bad News of Misbehavior, Violations In the Work Place, Look at What Happens to Vulnerable Children in Family Courts or The Systems!

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 13:59

 In addition to the problems among the rich and famous, there's new media coverage about BMCC issues, in documentaries such as What Doesn't Kill Me and in the CA Protective Parents Alliance site.

They explain how abusers in a custody battle (primarily
 male biological fathers) get sole custody (or primary or at least joint) of a child/ren whether there are abuse allegations or even more evidence.

The problems are linked to the lack of laws, the lack of follow through of laws that could protect children (and of course their Moms or even women in divorces or for other safety concerns in any

Does Trump Care About US? Guess Again if You Said Yes. A Friend's Plea to ASK Questions and Find Solutions While there's still Hope!

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:56
Thanks for braving this challenging territory, my FB friend who implored us to think about what is happening before our very eyes under a Trump Administration. Closing down the EPA, allowing pipelines (and risking but also seeing the oil spills from them), dismantling many programs for basic health and even safety such as birth control or support for rearing children and So Much More. I shared the following as a response:..I explore a lot on my blog not with deep political insights since I'm not well -versed in that..but you could copy and paste your comments in a post

"What If I Had A Dream...." A New Foundation to Help Us Think Out Loud and Live More Fully

on Sun, 06/04/2017 - 12:51

While freedom of speech is "an American right", we are getting into a lot of Hot Water, Deep Doo and Big Trouble in our lives when speaking (or tweeting or even blogging, FBing--facebooking, and socializing freely.) In part this trouble is happening because Different Rules and Laws Apply to Where and When one can 'speak freely.' One cannot for instance yell "Fire" in a theatre or public place if there is no fire (and maybe even if there is...I need to google that.) That is because people have been killed in stampedes (even from rock concerts or shopping spree sales without an emergency, so