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When Loved Ones Are Taken Too Soon, How to Pace Oneself Over the Years and Have Hope for Connecting With Them In Spirit (while here on earth...)

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 21:36
To start on a positive note, see Mark Anthony the Psychic Attorney whose written Never Say Goodbye and Evidence of Eternity. I have heard him in person and there's more alternative views about energy and the afterlife shared by other psychics in books and online. The New Life Expo is held in NYC a couple times a year, with the next coming up at the end of October 2017.
Remembering Loved Ones who have journeyed on..some unexpectedly maybe from an accident, or due to illness or 'worse even if not long in suffering' due to violence at the hands of others. I have heard of a few people who have died caught in gun violence situations, one as a victim in cross fire between gangs, another two likely as a 'gang initiation' killing.
Those were done by people who knew the victims 'as friends'. One family shared that they knew the killer's family, who seem to be covering or perhaps are not in touch with the criminal whose maybe fleeing state to state. These are all difficult cases to 'begin to comprehend'. Many of these people are otherwise successful in life, not on a path of drugs or real confusion.
Aside from However one person dies, if they are young or it is unexpected, it can be very hard to go on for loved ones. Some want to move or take time off from jobs and regular routines. Some want to learn all they can about 'the after life' (I was in that group, but was open to learning as I pressure but not finding programs readily or even counseling at the time of our teen Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's unexpected passing when trying to save others. He could have perished just by jumping into the turbulent waters for fun (as he'd done twice before going into another nearby section to rescue a friend who was struggling.
Kaelan had already gotten two others out while he was still on land, and even that could have proven fatal had one of them pulled him in during the confusion and fear of being trapped in whitewater currents. His friend was rescued very shortly after Kaelan had reached him, but they'd both gone under, according to his friend. Only when he surfaced did the lad realize Kaelan was not with him.
Kaelan was held under for a week before surfacing and his body floating down the high river seven miles to West Cornwall, being recovered by a team early in the morning. He apparently had told a psychic he'd be found that day and for me and his Dad not to try to see his body, which was intact but bloated from the water. I never did see our son again (nor did any of his other family.) We have friends who were on the rescue and recovery mission so got a better idea of what transpired from many angles and versions of events.
Still initially all I had heard was that 'our son was lost in the river'. I didn't know for a day or two what had happened and felt I had learned enough from the views of Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner (by that time in June 2009) that the human soul may take a few days to transition into the next realm, heading up the the moon's orbit and continuing to expand in some way to connect with the energies of each of the planets on its way to the center of the sun. Talk about moving up and Out! I was hoping there were all the good spiritual guides and as a Christian, angels and Christ ready to comfort our wonderful son who was really a joyful wise soul from the get-go, making friends with people of all ages and being a good brother to his siblings.
There is a lot more on in the short segments of his Memorial Service which seems one for most of humanity to consider..we all will have our time and hopefully we can find a group of people and even a few groups who we can share our earthly journey with so we have company in the spiritual realm. Friends can pull each other through anything was an idea Kaelan shared in his 8th grade essay, and that became his signature legacy...beating the odds of even reaching his friend, likely giving him hope to fight best he could and survive in part to honor the valiant effort Kaelan made on his behalf.
That can give any of us pause to reflect on 'what we can do and can refrain from doing' if it would put ourselves and rescuers in jeapordy. We can't continue to live and relate in the mortal realm if we push the limits or don't think of safety in a serions manner. More parents, teachers and communities could set more clear guidelines for outings and activities in general with supervision when it it safe and appropriate (and when permission is clear from both parents, particularly if there is conflict or custody matters to acknowledge.)
Even going on longer trips from home, to the beach or amusement parks should have the clearance from both parents and a community guideline (safe drivers, reasonable times away and in good weather ideally, etc.) Okay now for a post I shared with a friend whose son passed due to a home invasion and robbery of funds the victim did not want to surrender. Those criminals knew the young adult and wanted the money supposedly to pay an attorney to get them out of other trouble without having to let their mother know about their first problem. Now they are doing jail terms and leaving a community without fine young man whose parents are still mainly distraught five years later.
Challenging as it is to not have our wonderful angel kids with us here on earth, spending time thinking and taking time to 'do what they liked' or invite them along on our journeys can ease some of the 'forever wait'...
There are many mysteries science and people with 'an extra gift' indicate a greater connection than we can understand. I lean into that and find my life unfolding in important heart-connecting ways...sometimes with others who have loved ones who left unexpectedly or were victims of violence...others who are searching for help with health concerns, or other pressing matters
. Not easy stuff but the times in which we live will have 'more of these kinds of difficulties' that we may be better prepared for to help ourselves and others face. It doesn't seem like we signed up for this kind of twist in our life stories, but since that's how life is going, it might be for our spiritual and collective growth.
.Hope that's not too heavy or difficult to hear...Each person finds their footing and hopefully will come through in time to realize this too is all part of the human condition and find ways to keep a more hopeful view for the future to prevent what we can in terms of harmful patterns and find support to claim positive ways of healing on all levels, practical and personal. Take care, and hugs..


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