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Health Impact News reports results of Vaccines and more around the world

on Wed, 03/31/2021 - 19:06

I am listening to an inspiring program called Life Code by Derek Rydall who is helping thought leaders for people and wider groups int he world. He suggests everything has an underlying pattern that is emerging that tie into a grand pattern. Since that is an audio for about a half hour or more, I was looking at other things online and bumped into HealthImpactNews.

Google it and see what comes up and check the validity of reports, but basically there are reports of blood clots and concerns for some after the vaccines, some of which result in a person's final curtain call...or death.

Getting Better All the Time in Many Ways after Harder Days...

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 15:37

Looking at a talk about vitamins that could help with preventing Alzheimer's...let's look for ways to prevent problems along these lines...and better nutrition at any age is a game changer... see more ideas on Be aware of people having problems remembering 'Never Throw Water on a Grease Fire' in a sudden situations of a cooking emergencies... 

If elders are being forgetful and so forth it could be a serious problem with memory or other behavior issues... Advanced forms of memory loss may go undetected...and really should not be left alone (at all or allowed to go out since

What Can We All Think About (and Pray About) Doing in Light of the George Floyd Terrible Turn of Events and Actions and Inactions of the Police and Witnesses that Day?

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:06

Added Note from a friend summarizing a doctor's letter to the editor: 

Dr Susan Hasti writes in the Star Tribune (of MN I believe)
Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin's lawyer, is quoted in the paper
having written that "Mr Floyd could not breathe because he ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl..."
Medically this is not possible. An opioid overdose has an effect on the brain that suppresses the drive to breathe. 
A lethal dose of fentanyl would cause lethargy, no awareness of a need to breathe, and hence no struggle to breathe.
People under the effects of excess narcotics simply do not care if

Seeking Healing With a Team and Visionary Effort, Not Pot and Booze so much....but yes to the peace and team fair play

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 12:45
Hello and Here's to a special week before Easter and during Passover and also when most of the world is tuning into messages of healing, justice (with the George Floyd case being shown on TV) an compassion for people coming up from south of the border..what if there were no border?
 I know that's not a favorite question but climate change is going to be shaking things up ever more so we really should have a humanitarian 'nuts and bolts' plan to camp out in America or have more 'refugee type' mobile units to accommodate masses of people on the move.
Estimates are over 100 million who

In Like a Lion...and Out Like One Too!. Here's Lion Rock to Remind US All to Stay Strong and Future-Thinking for Peace!

on Sun, 03/28/2021 - 13:19

 Seeing an awesome aerial photo of this site in Sri Lanka, I had to learn more. I am sharing at the end of March 2021. This site was one of a Buddhist monastery for eons and is now one of many reminders that people choose peace and prosperity (good health and kind connections with one another and the earth for the most part. The power hungry and those not realizing 'all is connected and reflected back to us for our learning and choosing a healing path...eventually' play a difficult role in our world.

From wikipedia...Sigiriya, or Lion Rock, towers 600 feet off the ground in central Sri
