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Spring Healing and Dealing with George Floyd Tragedy and Crime

In Like a Lion...and Out Like One Too!. Here's Lion Rock to Remind US All to Stay Strong and Future-Thinking for Peace!

on Sun, 03/28/2021 - 13:19

 Seeing an awesome aerial photo of this site in Sri Lanka, I had to learn more. I am sharing at the end of March 2021. This site was one of a Buddhist monastery for eons and is now one of many reminders that people choose peace and prosperity (good health and kind connections with one another and the earth for the most part. The power hungry and those not realizing 'all is connected and reflected back to us for our learning and choosing a healing path...eventually' play a difficult role in our world.

From wikipedia...Sigiriya, or Lion Rock, towers 600 feet off the ground in central Sri