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Health Impact News reports results of Vaccines and more around the world

on Wed, 03/31/2021 - 19:06

I am listening to an inspiring program called Life Code by Derek Rydall who is helping thought leaders for people and wider groups int he world. He suggests everything has an underlying pattern that is emerging that tie into a grand pattern. Since that is an audio for about a half hour or more, I was looking at other things online and bumped into HealthImpactNews.

Google it and see what comes up and check the validity of reports, but basically there are reports of blood clots and concerns for some after the vaccines, some of which result in a person's final curtain call...or death. The objective question is whether the correlation is due to causation or just a coincidence similar to what would have happened anyway. The other considertion is the risk/ benefit ratio for a person or group and wider circles of society.

The mainstream media consists of six or so main players with parameters and messaging orchestrated by various forces at play, known and unknown. With each country having their own way to create laws, programs and messaging, the whole world is not always hearing the same message.  The vaccines were rolled out after an agreement was made not to allow for people to sue for any adverse reactiions. That's a bit to speak to these times... with hope and reality checks and 'full disclosure' as much as possible, relaing what I read and  some of what I have thought as well.