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A Facebook Post from 2012 as I was hatching out ideas that can help us a decade later! Let's Do This in 2022!

on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 15:07
In case I don't get to a computer soon, Happy 2012 to all FBers and citizens of plan-it heart (why not rename the earth in a way that really matters..and reflects the need to focus on us being heart-beings connected to the earth, making it our hearth of existence, energy and a place of care and respect)..Let's celebrate every age group this year with kids through age 10 being recognized the first ten days of the month of January at least (and every month is good for that too), and those 11-19 being noted on the next ten days of January, and again, every month could be a wonderful way to pay

Happy New Year 2022, Let's Say It Again...2022 and 'Miracles for You!' See info I'm sharing from Janet Attwood's email

on Sat, 01/01/2022 - 12:56

Hello to All in this New Year of 2022! Hope everybuddy found ways to make the tail end of 2021 count  and even get to a countdown. I woke up from my last long winter's nap from 8pm to midnight or 12:05am so thought I missed all the hoopla on televisio.

Christmas Is Coming, The Goose (and Plenty of Us) Are getting you know what..plump! May as well rest and hear a story...

on Thu, 12/23/2021 - 05:48 has some nice resources and recorded services (including the audio of the 12/19/21 service with songs such as Mary Did You Know, Noel and Night Divine among other carols. Should be posted soon but worth catching even if later. 

Meanwhile I have The Jewel Story that is less than a half hour (and good to listen to in parts of about 10 min, just a pause between 'chapters'). Why not let the kids or oneself get inspired and draw, make up songs and other parts of the story as you hear it the first time round..I also have a free text of The Turtle and The Acorn which can be fun

Enjoying more Talks about How To Succeed in Speaking, Earning Money (and yes Business) without feeling too pressured, so mainly window shopping and listening

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 22:11

Here's something I hope to check out so am putting it here for handy reference from an email from Rich Schefren about Business Building.

Click here to watch on Facebook or YouTube.

To higher profits,

Rich Schefren

P.S. If you've missed any of my previous livestreams and want to watch the replays, you can check them out on Youtube here.

I signed up for the Jennifer McLean series of Free Talks (or pay what you like) for monthly 'Prayer Circles'..basically guided meditation and holding positive thoughts for those in need and ourselves.
