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Christmas Is Coming, The Goose (and Plenty of Us) Are getting you know what..plump! May as well rest and hear a story...

on Thu, 12/23/2021 - 05:48 has some nice resources and recorded services (including the audio of the 12/19/21 service with songs such as Mary Did You Know, Noel and Night Divine among other carols. Should be posted soon but worth catching even if later. 

Meanwhile I have The Jewel Story that is less than a half hour (and good to listen to in parts of about 10 min, just a pause between 'chapters'). Why not let the kids or oneself get inspired and draw, make up songs and other parts of the story as you hear it the first time round..I also have a free text of The Turtle and The Acorn which can be fun to read (even with two people taking the parts of each character as they share an unexpected adventure and friendship.) 
How might we all make a fresh start along such lines this year for the greater good and our own benefit as well. Open the door and let the 'elephants in the room' go out for some fresh air...

Consider what a book cover would look like...and yes, I hope to get the text out soon too, ,meanwhile one can tune into Listening and enjoy that old fashioned way of hearing a story. 

There's a reading of A Christmas Carol on youtube also (and posted on in five parts, read by Pastor Trip Weiler...Other services to catch could be posted in a convenient way, but include the Falls Village Congregational Church (Christmas Eve and the regular 10 am Sunday services...), Trinity Limerock, Christmas Eve service with music starting at 2:30pm for a half hour and lots more...

 List the ones you know and most have an online site to enjoy live or as a recording. Best to all and thanks to all for the Christmas music and magic, sharing in a community, caring and healing set of relationships and teamwork year round in ecumenical and cultural ways that bridge the gaps and promote diversity. 

Marianne Williamson and many others offer a lot online and I try to summarize plenty (and add my own two cents) on and in letters to The Lakeville Journal which I post on my blog as well for handy reference and free sharing (along with some free offers too such as from which can help people get better sleep and more focus, less stress and all the good stuff one hopes for if using a couple of times a day. 

Scheduling and following thru can be a challenge but making strides over time counts too! Thanks to all for the work and balance they seek and achieve.

 Lighting candles for those in need, who are seeking and for those who have journeyed on. May their family, friends and community keep them in their hearts with a moment of silence and even one of sharing, singing, walking or bringing another person some good cheer. Peace and light to one and all...