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GO Get Organized With Teams of Support but also One by One Tuning Into their Talents

A Facebook Post from 2012 as I was hatching out ideas that can help us a decade later! Let's Do This in 2022!

on Mon, 01/03/2022 - 15:07
In case I don't get to a computer soon, Happy 2012 to all FBers and citizens of plan-it heart (why not rename the earth in a way that really matters..and reflects the need to focus on us being heart-beings connected to the earth, making it our hearth of existence, energy and a place of care and respect)..Let's celebrate every age group this year with kids through age 10 being recognized the first ten days of the month of January at least (and every month is good for that too), and those 11-19 being noted on the next ten days of January, and again, every month could be a wonderful way to pay