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She(a fit and inspiring soul), wrote it (an exciting, clear book), and they showed up (her fans and at least one struggling fellow) and complained...about Tough Times in Chicago!

on Sat, 10/29/2016 - 16:18

The latest from one trailblazing yogini with a high cool factor and gorgeous new book out for living and getting in shape is that a disgruntled dude said at her Chicgo book-signing that it isn't true that a person can just want good things and they will happen even if they work for it. To not affect PR and who knows what about contracts, I'll keep this in a general context, but plug in your favorite mentor and consider the following outcomes from someone voicing their discontent with being offered dreams that seem too impossible to fulfill in a timely fashion and on one's own. 

There's Snow in Sharon Ct and New Neighborhood Policing in the 88th Precinct in NYC

on Thu, 10/27/2016 - 13:00

See FB page in December 2016 to learn more about the Policing in the 88th Precinct in NYC...  

After learning Snow Has Fallen in Sharon Ct this morning from Marshall Miles on FB (a networking page called NW Corner Chatter that I was lucky enough to join before the 3K something limit was reached and is organized by Brian Ohler, who is a Republican running for the same seat as Democrat Atty Bill Riiska for the seat that will open as CT Rep.

25 Days of Online Support from E Scheffer for Women and Others...Got me thinking of Gender Identity Issues in Society

on Wed, 10/26/2016 - 13:46 is the link I can share wtih friends...mainly women but likely anyone could benefit (see more on the site and get a woman friend tuned in if that's the criteria and then she can share...) since we all have 'masculine and feminine energies to us'...maybe time to rename some of our descriptive terms...Mal(for male with the idea of Ma in there, that all people are born of a Ma and have both energies). Fem(female with the reference for the sign for iron). Genu (Gender Neutral).Then In for Infant, Ch for Child, Te for Teen, YA for Young Adul (with the number of

Congratz to the 200K joining in the Global Oneness Day online, free replays thru 10-26-16 on Kudos too to UN turning 71 important years grown!

on Tue, 10/25/2016 - 15:25

What's better than one inspiration day of many speakers about Global Oneness? Two more!! Lucky me, I am able to tune into the many compelling ideas to keep our plan-it heart sustainable with the Wheel of Co-Creation.

That was introduced by Barbara Marx Hubbard, with hope for the millenials to help us turn our dire outlook around with digital savviness and of course, leaders following the good will fo the people for all of the planet.

With greater awareness of out interconnectedness, we are evolving and figuring out ways to find balance on the personal and wider levels.

Join John Lui at Brooklyn Commons on Atlantic Ave Fri Oct.21st, 2016, at 7pm for free Heal the Earth documentary and more

on Fri, 10/21/2016 - 00:29

What a great way to gear up for Global Oneness Day, and The Election, and of course Halloween (and All Souls Day...and much more like The Future of Plan-It Earth with Heart!) Hope to hear more if not see this award-winning documentary producer in person sharing hope for regreening the planet, restoring imbalances...and more. Thanks for sharing with a friend! Also check out the cool stuff on Andrew Faust who is offering Brooklyn Permaculture classes and monthly meet-ups.

The PC Basics certification starts on Oct 22nd, 2016. See more online and enjoy the new ways to 'save energy', recycle
