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Global Oneness Day

Congratz to the 200K joining in the Global Oneness Day online, free replays thru 10-26-16 on Kudos too to UN turning 71 important years grown!

on Tue, 10/25/2016 - 15:25

What's better than one inspiration day of many speakers about Global Oneness? Two more!! Lucky me, I am able to tune into the many compelling ideas to keep our plan-it heart sustainable with the Wheel of Co-Creation.

That was introduced by Barbara Marx Hubbard, with hope for the millenials to help us turn our dire outlook around with digital savviness and of course, leaders following the good will fo the people for all of the planet.

With greater awareness of out interconnectedness, we are evolving and figuring out ways to find balance on the personal and wider levels.

Global Oneness Day October 24th, 2016 from Humanity's Team (which you hopefully feel part of whether officially or in your own way) Check out the new hand signal too!

on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 14:17

Hello on Oak-tober 20th, 2016. See this great short video by Peter Melton (a nice name for sharing the melting pot idea of everyone being connected not just in the US but among humanity). The Global Oneness Day is the kind of thing or think I like to dream upon...and it's great Humanity's Team with its awesome online outreach (25K usually on calls or webcasts with many great speakers, of course weigh and pray about any ideas to see maybe with your support team what you would listen to or try even in the name of wellness and healing.

Not all people promote meditation, 'going on a shamanic