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Congratz to the 200K joining in the Global Oneness Day online, free replays thru 10-26-16 on Kudos too to UN turning 71 important years grown!

on Tue, 10/25/2016 - 15:25

What's better than one inspiration day of many speakers about Global Oneness? Two more!! Lucky me, I am able to tune into the many compelling ideas to keep our plan-it heart sustainable with the Wheel of Co-Creation.

That was introduced by Barbara Marx Hubbard, with hope for the millenials to help us turn our dire outlook around with digital savviness and of course, leaders following the good will fo the people for all of the planet.

With greater awareness of out interconnectedness, we are evolving and figuring out ways to find balance on the personal and wider levels. "Mindfulness" has been on the cover of TIME magazine, one speaker is sharing as a sign that there is mainstream awareness and activism.

The Amplifield represents a new form of spirituality that is coming through the internet and digital domain, with younger people engaging with the live, present-moment interaction. FB Live and Snapshot and Instagram create 'right here, right now' experiences which the younger folks find exciting (as in under 21).

How do we reach them where they are and help them digest the info, he is asking. That's a few minutes of talks going on for a couple of days, which can be purchased later on too, so there's no worries about missing out completely. BMH is chiming in with a 'mass harmonic' and 'shared intention in a meditative state' idea about Amplifield (which is a medium of digital networking.)

Okay, back to the excitement many heard yesterday and likely is rippling out. Much of this reminds me of the Fire the Grid outreach, so see that too. There is a response from the universe when people are using their synergistic kind vibes. BMH offered that sense of joining in with that meditative heartfelt good vibes on the Amplifield forum..

.Back to Steve Farrell and the gang brightening our corners of plan-it heart. I actually got to hear a great concert on Sunday eventing by Wanda Houston and Friends in Lakeville CT, very lovely gospel with some humour and sense of blessing mixed in enjoyed by about 60 souls in a church.

Then there were many services as there are every week in faith circles, churches and temples and so hopefully they can join in with these other digital networks.

An effort from BMH is to promote 'social synergy'  at the UN in the Culture of Peace Committee to empower and appreciate what NGOs (non-government organizations) and others are doing to bring consciousness and kindness to the planet in all social and business realms. There is the World Peace Prayer Society and others going to a symposium in San Diego CA.

Finding ways for and (that runs 10/24-27/2016) with Michael Beckwith to bring spirituality into everyday living is also mentioned. Bon Appetit if you get over to listen or maybe get your library to purchase. Tune into Steven Greer for his insights also on youtube about being a good neighbor in the galaxy also!

The Oneness Movement and the new spirituality on this planet...we can join in on the efforts of others who have done the groundwork A Speaker is sharing that 'the critical mass' is getting reached so celebrate by 'adding something to it." I gave five busloads of NYC tourists the New Unity Peace Hand Sign (the peace sign of V then putting the two fingers together.)

Thanks for doing your part and taking "Time to Relax" for five minutes (an idea shared for many years on WKZE at 11am and pm by Karen Kisslinger. See more about her after her passing from illness at, with published articles on health and more.

She was well ahead of her time and  and maybe is spiritually in touch ( I like to think and trust that can be the case) with our "teen" (now likely timeless) son Kaelan.

They knew each other and who were great inspirations to our family and many wider communities. The both journeyed on in 2009, about 7 years ago now. If possible (which seems an every growing likelihood), they and so many others are likely helping usher in these good ideas as that may be an option, along with other loved ones we know or who see us with love from above and deem us worth inspiring, along with the Divine...and other good souls in our cosmos..

Let's keep the faith that the good will play out larger than the setbacks or temporary seeming downturns.) Hugs All Around!!

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