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Here's To Figuring Out Teams of Support (event to make plans for future needs, but many who need help now too!)

on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 17:14

I am hoping to get teams of people working to find housing and ways to help workers get to people with homecare needs. That's a lot of 'planning' but the pay off would be more people securely knowing they have care, can stay in their homes rather than head to respite care (which may not be covered and be too costly) or have to sign on to be on long-term medicaid when that's not really needed or their desire. Please use my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton to be in touch. We can arrange a time to talk as well.

 These are common crisis type issues that no one is identifying clearly and

I'm Getting Good Programs For Creativity, Coaching, Online Tips from the Heart of Coaching Giveaway, Feb 3-9th, 2022! How About You?!

on Thu, 02/03/2022 - 17:26

Anne at sent me the following for her partnerships: I'm happy to pass this along but I don't get any perks or profits from doing so...maybe the whales will!

Are there things you want to try that you’ve never tried before?

Exploring new territory and trying on new strategies can keep your business and your spirit powered up.

If you are looking to explore - I have the perfect place for you to go get new ideas, strategies, templates, how to’s, creative processes and more…all free

The Heart of Coaching Giveaway just opened it’s doors, and the gifts this year are exceptional!\poweron or 800-286-2828 Has Services To Pay Power Bills Online, Get Into Programs and More Energy Assistance based on Zip Code

on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 18:46

When the phone rings, it's often an 800 number scam, but every now and then someone awesome like EVERSOURCE calls. They had an automated message I took a minute to hear and am Glad I Did! (I also learned that the 'back slash' is on the far right below the BackSpace of my keyboard so that's a handy tip~)

 They said to call this number (800-286-2828 in CT and maybe Western MA)  if you wanted to learn about managing your account for Electricity (and some people heat with 'electric heat' and that gets pricey very quickly, so turn those thermostats Down and only use when in the room, that's my

Lighting A Candle of Courage, Hope and Love in Memory of Brian Hayes of CT

on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 04:11

  Please join many in taking time to remember the life of a remarkable, dedicated serviceman and father, Brian Hayes of Connecticut.  Condolences are extended to his family, friends and many others in his communities and wider circles now learning of his untimely passing. May his valiant spirit rest in peace.

Brian Hayes Obituary from the Danbury News Times CT, Feb. 1st, 2022
Brian Patrick John Hayes of Easton, Connecticut, died on January 22, 2022, while serving in the Connecticut Army National Guard in Augusta, Georgia. He was a Sergeant First Class at the time of his death.

Kudos to World Woman Foundation (on FB and with their site) Great Mission, Join in!

on Sun, 01/30/2022 - 04:01

To find out more information about the World Woman Foundation and support mentoring of 1 million girls by 2030 please click here:

Also see what is offered by for inspiration in 2022 with group support and lovely patterns and practices to be in sync.
