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Stay in their homes and not have to go into a nursing home if not needed

Here's To Figuring Out Teams of Support (event to make plans for future needs, but many who need help now too!)

on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 17:14

I am hoping to get teams of people working to find housing and ways to help workers get to people with homecare needs. That's a lot of 'planning' but the pay off would be more people securely knowing they have care, can stay in their homes rather than head to respite care (which may not be covered and be too costly) or have to sign on to be on long-term medicaid when that's not really needed or their desire. Please use my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton to be in touch. We can arrange a time to talk as well.

 These are common crisis type issues that no one is identifying clearly and