Skip directly to content\poweron or 800-286-2828 Has Services To Pay Power Bills Online, Get Into Programs and More Energy Assistance based on Zip Code

on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 18:46

When the phone rings, it's often an 800 number scam, but every now and then someone awesome like EVERSOURCE calls. They had an automated message I took a minute to hear and am Glad I Did! (I also learned that the 'back slash' is on the far right below the BackSpace of my keyboard so that's a handy tip~)

 They said to call this number (800-286-2828 in CT and maybe Western MA)  if you wanted to learn about managing your account for Electricity (and some people heat with 'electric heat' and that gets pricey very quickly, so turn those thermostats Down and only use when in the room, that's my tip...but if you have pipes your concerned about, keep things at 55 or so in those rooms.

I had a friend certain he didn't have heat on but then I noticed it was on and he almost went through the roof not knowing how or when it got turned on, so 'always double check' best you can!

He does have a guest now and then, and a frisky cat who seems to get into everything. I heard of a cat that turned a stove on just enough to create a small catastrophe...(no pun intended, but really, a pot and cupboard near it got too hot and the smoke triggered the fire alarm or the tenants and the fire company had to put that puppy out...I mean fire out and not the cat out, but maybe a cage would be in order or safety protectors on the stove handles, such as are used to keep kids or even others of questionable abilities from Turning Stuff On Like Stoves or even Microwaves.

An elderly woman put a dish of food in the microwave and it cooked way past what was needed and made a mess and stink of things, so again, better more help and oversight than not. Stay in the kitchen when cooking as much as possible and set an alarm on one's phone or tell a friend to call and remind you if there's any question about remembering. I'm sure many have a list of ways they could help figure out better heat and saving (wrap the windows and blanket the stairway (put some nails or other way or keeping a blanket hung up to block the cold from going Up the Stairs if not using that or just doing that during the day etc

. Lots of ideas to wear extra layers and warm safe footwear (don't want to trip or fall even if keeping sneakers are okay, one indoor pair if mud or mess is a problem.) Okay now back to Saving Money, Time and Energy on All Fronts. See what I share on Turtle Garden Permaculture Game.

Maybe there are ways to help others in your town and area share info and care about managing the seasons of the year and of life in helpful ways. Soup is good food too and can be warming as is tea, wearing hats and gloves (even inside and especially if prone to cold.)

Leg warmers are a great help too for many whether staying home or getting out there in the cold or in a dance studio to keep the muscles warm! Other athletes may want to give them a try at least when warming up! Okay now time to post those sites such as and or call 2-1-1.

Don't forget to dance around the kitchen and the rest of the house when it's safe to do so, sneakers and the right outfit a good idea and take it easy on stairways, walkways and going to an from the car and on walks with icy dicey, muddy you know whatty weather!

I heard on a science TV show that a fellow survived being struck by lightening (checking on his pumpkin patch in a humdinger of a thunderstorm to make extra bucks I think since his wife was expecting..and as an electrician I think I've heard they could be more prone to 'being attactive' to things like lightening but maybe I am making that up...maybe it's if you've been struck once, you may get struck lightning but also by love...and even having kids.

Another tip for the day to ponder on a clear sunny day. And maybe more folks are hearing about 'surprise twins'... that has meant that someone didn't know they were having a second child until the first was born (I know two people that was the case for, separate families...)

 Then there's the chance someone could have twins if taking something to help one's eggs come along or any number of treatments, but there's also a completely natural chance that 'the one becomes two' and that even one of those becomes two again...and yes I know someone That Happened to...along with some with identical twins (that's 4 out of 1000 twin occurrences...)

I heard that identical boys are less likely than girls, so how do you like those 'Adam's apples?' Again a spark of an idea, love, science and more can be a reason to pay attention to power. Keep in mind thoughts, feelings, instincts and drives and any biological clocks ticking and Benjamin Franklin holding a kite out to catch electricity (or was that Thomas Jefferson...well both of those fellows were into exploration and discovery and the latter not the most transparent about things given the times and his own way of managing his life...)

But again we can all learn from 'all of the above' over our lifetimes and create plans and cultures that meet the higher ideals of humanity and among all people with ways to help the energy and power of people and the planet play out in caring, life-giving ways.

Thanks for letting me explore the basics and more, including as I said everyone being more of an advocate to help those in need get the basics of  housing, food, transportation, work, homecare and healthcare covered.

See what offers to help one see if they are eligible and can apply for benefits. Ideally if someone is not tech savvy they can get help from someone with an smart phone or computer (easier to work on.) The number for CT DSS, Dept of Social Services if 855-626-6632. Another site to check is to see about more assistance!