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Here's To Figuring Out Teams of Support (event to make plans for future needs, but many who need help now too!)

on Fri, 02/04/2022 - 17:14

I am hoping to get teams of people working to find housing and ways to help workers get to people with homecare needs. That's a lot of 'planning' but the pay off would be more people securely knowing they have care, can stay in their homes rather than head to respite care (which may not be covered and be too costly) or have to sign on to be on long-term medicaid when that's not really needed or their desire. Please use my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton to be in touch. We can arrange a time to talk as well.

 These are common crisis type issues that no one is identifying clearly and sounding the clarion I'm doing that now and hope to hear from many who may help think through ideas, including fundraising to smooth the start for people to travel or live in the area for a week more more at a time (maybe even just a few days, but some may work in exchange for housing, so work a day or two and stay a few more and work at other jobs and earn more money, etc.)

 The idea would be to make arrangements that are legal and fair to all, work with existing systems of funding or find new funding sources and so on. I am learning a lot and many others can join in as well. I will put some of this on my blog yet another FB group could be formed to keep figuring things out. 

This could address needs in the CT/MA/NY tri-corner area. Thanks again and a similar kind of advocacy for those in need of housing, jobs, rides, childcare and homecare etc would be great. Plenty for more to tune into and benefit from possibly if injured or in short-term need of help. Thanks for all everyone is doing to keep their boat afloat and think of others along the way! 

Makes for a better journey and helps everyone get to where their going with greater ease much like driving safely and planning for outings in good weather, and blending efforts where possible. That can complicate things a bit and good record keeping is essential whether shopping, working piece meal or in a more formal way, but overall it's worth learning about and trying to help others understand the basics in a timely manner (with a few weeks and months being the norm to find and train someone in a job. Funds to do that would be helpful as well since some people do not have extra funding for that but people would need some payment for their time and effort.) Best to all!

I am not claiming to practice law, medicine or any other professional licensed work, only raising the topics to start grassroots advocacy and get more people to understand the kind of help and steps that may be needed to address many common concerns, especially as people age but also with any care needs.