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Why Parents or Other Adults Should Help Students (and get help for others, even themselves) to Fill Out Important Forms

on Tue, 06/02/2015 - 22:50

The gift of applying for help whether for food stamps, jobs, health insurance even through one's state or federal programs, or for scholarships is one that can take a few people to open. The fine print and important details and deadlines can be more of a deterrent if not deal-breaker (as in NOT getting what one either is Qualified for, needing or wanting). What a drag!

Memorial Day a Good Time to Remember Hometown Heroes on the other side and Still Marching on. I salute you too for taking good care of yourself and making safe choices and plans when living, driving, loving and leaving as may be the case...

on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 14:04

Once again our small towns put out a big heartfelt Memorial Day set of parades and gatherings. I want to go to all of them and some are Sharon's gathering is rather special to me since we had times with the kids decorating their bikes (sometimes being in the paper whether in a wagon or winning a prize with flower decorations--one of the gals when little or ride on bicycle build for two or in another version of a trailer with bike).

Kaelan had big fun doing the bike thing right on through his final summer, and most realize he rode to school with friends on the River Road from

Time for Every Buddy to Learn to WALK AWAY from trouble that comes up or that's brewing longterm...

on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 12:14

This refers to a painful story covered on Yahoo News from 15 years ago  in 2000. This tragic tale serves as a national and worldwide warning about a man (but it could have been a woman or youth) killing a small infant--maybe in part triggered by his inability to handle the stress of the infant's crying  that night as well as for many hours a day for a few weeks prior.

The stress and lack of comprehension of the special needs and care required for a child, particularly one with extra medical or nutritional issues should be addressed by a team of caring, capable outreach workers and steadfast

Out of the mouths of babes..or 5-year-old observation about life and death...

on Fri, 05/22/2015 - 22:25

"If you have a dog and a cat in the same house, in a single house, and the dog kills the cat, that's not good." While one young person (in earth years) can observe some real life dog and cat interactions and see that a dog who nips and chases a small cat about could theoretically if not actually end the cat's life (of "kill the cat"), many people would want to let that be a simple fact of nature or in civilized countries trust that if the dog were trained basically that would not happen.

What might this indicate for your average two people in a home, sharing a space as friends, housemates or

Get Ready to Listen, Learn and Lead the Way for America and the World for Safety for US-All (even women, kids and pets!)

on Mon, 05/18/2015 - 18:01

A few local and regional MA/NY CT people made a valiant effort with others across the nation and from 
abroad to attend a recent remarkable national conference. The BMCC is now online for leaders and the public to  
reframe the epidemic of Coercive Control and Domestic Violence and Abuse.

The 11th Battered Mothers Custody Conference (BMCC) drew experts such as Barry Goldstein, Evan Stark and Wendy Murphy.
Other reformers and advocates included as Rose Garrity who leads the board of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and works with the National Organization for Men Against
