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Celebrating the American Mural Project in Winsted CT with some wishes for more acknowledgement in society for ALL People! Great role model to promote care for one and all!

on Thu, 02/04/2016 - 17:39

Regarding the AMP --American Mural Project in Winsted CT which has received $1million grant from the state of CT and is nearing the completion (after a roof is raised to accommodate the massive mural which has been years in the making with thousands of folks pitching in to created...) I have the following thoughts to add some acknowledgement to people in general.

One never knows who or why a worker got into a profession or how many other lives were touched by them, so that would complete the circle.

Enjoy Jan 25-Feb 2016 for 2 days each, Baby Ideas and tips

on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 01:26

Don't you love free ideas online (especially if you don't have the funds or friends ready to network or libraries etc to underwrite the purchase of programs). Don't miss out on this lovely offer about yoga and more from starting Jan 25th and running for a number of days. I forgot to count but heard about it from a FB page with a large group of women in the Berkshires who network and meet about all sorts of cool stuff.

Okay, I'll try to tune in after checking it out, but am busy after the blizzard in NYC where I got to be with some special folks welcoming

Be Awakened by We're on the clock and ready to rock!

on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:09

When we discover important posts on facebook, how many take time to "share" it with the public? Is it safe to do so? Not always, so more forums to 'spread the words to put down swords' of despair, inaction, confusion, isolation, and poverty on all levels are rising up just in the nick of time. I hope you take a few minutes to share before you look at the site in case you forget to do so.

Maybe you will be motivated to Take Action and forget seeds of ideas and Take Action before you watch and see results return to you 1000-fold..many thanks! Now enjoy your viewings of

Laci and Conner, We Won't Forget Your Lives and Legacy Wake-Up Call for All to Learn From

on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 02:25

Last night I was watching two programs on the tragic loss of Laci and her unborn 8 month son Conner Peterson at the hands of a disturbed man who was the legal spouse and biological father but primarily a disturbed individual. I don't want to mention his name, but it is Scott and thankfully he's in prison in California.

The family of Laci including her caring in-laws and the city of Modesto deserve our united support over a decade later as the messages from the program make it clear too many problems and tragedies go unnoted and can be difficult to prevent or even solve.

Free talks on and Kit for $97, many great speakers:

on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 01:46

 Would I have tuned into Katherine Miller's Mbodied outreach if I hadn't met her through Toastmasters in Great Barrington MA over a couple of years? If not, I couldn't tell you, but thankfully I did and knew she was full of wisdom and was dynamic in her networking efforts far and wide. Check out the great offers and get your library or friends to pitch in to secure some of these for your community.

It's great to have a buddy to pace yourself and review action steps. Some pointers from two talks so far, they say exercise with weight bearing exercises 3-4 times a week, at least a half hour.
