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Free talks on and Kit for $97, many great speakers:

on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 01:46

 Would I have tuned into Katherine Miller's Mbodied outreach if I hadn't met her through Toastmasters in Great Barrington MA over a couple of years? If not, I couldn't tell you, but thankfully I did and knew she was full of wisdom and was dynamic in her networking efforts far and wide. Check out the great offers and get your library or friends to pitch in to secure some of these for your community.

It's great to have a buddy to pace yourself and review action steps. Some pointers from two talks so far, they say exercise with weight bearing exercises 3-4 times a week, at least a half hour. Walk, work out upper body with pointers from Okay and remember to get your A1C and see American Diabetes site to PREVENT diabetes.

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