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Times of Remembrance of Tom, Kaelan, and Others..The Meanings and Connections

on Thu, 07/21/2016 - 21:33

When My Friend and Home Care Client Tom Drew Went Missing July 21, 2007 just before The Petit Family Tragedy, And Later When Our Teen Son Kaelan Crossed Over June 16, 2009-Reflections and Lessons yet to be shared

A day of learning for US All nine years ago today.. when Tom Drew, 91, went missing in Salisbury Ct 7-21-07 at about 7:20pm...and another sadly when the Petit Family suffered their tragedy on the following two days, on 7-22 and 7-23-07. Other posts on this blog and in the media review the main points of the situations as well as that of my son Kaelan trying to rescue a friend from

The Blogpost that Changed the World Overnight, Wow!(written in a few hours upon waking up and hopefully shared with twitter and more folks chiming in ti fine tune)

on Wed, 07/20/2016 - 16:52

This long essay of sorts is better viewed with the following link.

 May the next Big News ideas be spread to keep folks safe, sane and sensible at each stage of life.

Whatever one's biological age,may logic and not only biology spur ideas and actions (which could be part of an overall game plan with team support and guidance!)

Check out scalar energy workonline and which has a book or two and youtubes talking about healing frequencies within everyone's reach and even over distances.

Belly Button Dates or What's Up on the "Belly Button of the Month" (the 15th or so)..

on Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:21

 Yes you read that right but I did make this up late at night, so again...What IS Up for you and others on the "Belly Button of the Month" (the 15th or so)..and let's ask that of the "number one part of your body" (the head, pineal gland or third eye of wisdom on the First of the Month too).

Use your third or tall finger to do so I think Julie Renee shared on Jen McLean's Healing with the Masters (and she has lots of good free programs online and often by phone.) Pressing your finger on your belly and third eye connects two main energy pathways in your body.

While we know about calendars

About to check out kindred spirit, Barbara Marx Hubbard's and her books and more. She asks that we Tweet that,so I'll do that next.

on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 21:43

Humanity's Team gets folks around the world, twenty thousand at a time, tuned into great ideas with people who have been working along the lines of unity, valuing all people. exploring the 'impulse of the divine or Divine' and much more. I always hoped to do such an outreach so feel excited that more folks are thinking along these lines. Barbara Marx Hubbard is working with the United Nations and a team to promote sustainability practices and values in almot 200 countries.

 I am hearing the free replay, and again am inspired.

Great Guidance from with Holly Chantal..sounds like a song and she puts one in your heart to dream out loud!

on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 19:15

We all like the image of birds taking flight whether baby birds out of the nest (called fledglings by the way) or more mature birds swooping about whether harbingers of spring like Robin Redbreast or cheery red cardinals or Red-Bellied Woodpeckers (worth googling birds for inspiration if you haven't had time to go birding like some at Audubon or Nature's Conservancy encourage folks to do. Audubon does a Bird Count which novices can join in on and learn from too. How about a red-tail hawk circling high on wind?
