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Belly Button Dates or What's Up on the "Belly Button of the Month" (the 15th or so)..

on Sat, 07/16/2016 - 12:21

 Yes you read that right but I did make this up late at night, so again...What IS Up for you and others on the "Belly Button of the Month" (the 15th or so)..and let's ask that of the "number one part of your body" (the head, pineal gland or third eye of wisdom on the First of the Month too).

Use your third or tall finger to do so I think Julie Renee shared on Jen McLean's Healing with the Masters (and she has lots of good free programs online and often by phone.) Pressing your finger on your belly and third eye connects two main energy pathways in your body.

While we know about calendars and being aware, more or less of time, we need to engage now and then in a playful way to remember that these are markers for our greater experience of life. It's not that "the date defines the day" but more about How We Define the Day.

We could playfully arrange the numbering and code system for the body with the calendar and since there were 10 parts (head being one and feet and toes number 10) we could think about each part over the course of the first ten days.

Then on the 15th, you guessed it, a  check-in with your belly button. And if you 'press that button' and 'press lightly also on the third eye at the center of one's forehead, and breathe deeply for a few breaths, you can get centered nicely.

I think I'll do that now at 8am and try for that each morning. A simple routine like that can help one with feeling centered for one's day. That could be part of one's easy-does-it waking up routine, so do what works for you.

And oh yes, why not Listen to your Gut also when done breathing (to receive messages and feel more in tune with what comes up or to mind after relaxing for those Three, Deep, Breaths

Ahhh, okay to say that out loud too, Connecting with sound like "ahh or 'ohm' can again bring one's soul online into the physical realm rather than just in one's head. We overthink and need to try to relax, and breathe into our hearts as well.

David Adelson gave me the exercise to picture a huge set of lips in my chest area, like a big mouth for my heart energy to get attention and support through breathing 'directly into my heart and lungs' for a few minutes (even five or more..not easy to do, but planting the seed of an idea is a great way to get things growing, n'est-ce pas--isn't that so in French. I've been reading Le Petit Prince, or The Little Prince  just for fun, and yes in French, dusting off memories from high school.

Lots of fun and hope to get the English version soon to be able to translate readily.

Google that for fun if you get a minute, which by now you may realize is something you can Find and Make for Yourself. Define your time and enjoy spending it as you choose with peace and balance.

You can review this and do one idea a day or however it may work for you. Maybe give yourself a treat on the 25th of the month (on or near the end) to celebrate and gently review your experiences of the past month.

What worked, what did you learn, what would you like to do. These are good prompts for the 1st and 15th also. Something about 'the middle' can give people a sense of having accomplished something or Needing to Do so Before the End of ..the Month. Funny subtle ways we are pacing ourselves, yet very serious at times.

So pace yo'self and enjoy each day in a special you-focused way (with an eye on the divine within too.) For fun, see yourself in a whole new way with a stop over at Body Labs website too...a new way to help folks not have to return clothes that don't quite fit right and more. Don't know if they chart belly buttons but with many clothing designs that is becoming a bigger factor...zee placement of zee button de la bellie.

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