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Business is Booming (to the tune of $10 Million Dollars) With Berkshares (a local currency on MA)

on Wed, 05/02/2018 - 22:01


BerkShares, Inc. to Hold Free Networking Event for Businesses on 5/9 at 5:30pm in Lenox, find out more on Hope to hear more about how 'keeping it local' can increase the value in various ways of the money, networks and outcomes for those involved. Fill us in here if you go. Happy BerkSharing! Be in touch with them and for the event at Tell 'me Livfully sent you (aka Catherine Palmer Paton of neighborly CT and Brooklyn NY)

Live Call Tonight with Dennis Kucinich, Running for Gov. of Ohio as a Democrat

on Wed, 05/02/2018 - 21:50

To join in the live conversation between Representative Dennis Kucinich ( )and Marianne Willaimson ( by phone Wed. May 2, 2018,at 9PM EST here's the info:  the call via phone, please use the following dial-in numbers and access code:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Access Code: 440435#  

To see other ways to connect and send in questions check  their websites. Hope new ideas and networks are blooming in your area, state and national scene. May more miracles come our way to say, "Yes!" to rather than challenges we endlessly have to expend energy on saying, "No!" to.


Get in the Appalachian Trail "GA-ME" from Geogia to Maine or voting for a video in their friendly competition

on Wed, 05/02/2018 - 16:14

The link from my ATStory Video Contest by Susanna Opper was my window into the hiking world and learning about Trail Magic.

There's a contest going on so why not take time to see what people have put in an effort to share along the tral..kind of reverse Trail Magic for Civilians so one can feel connected to the beauty and journey that about 3 Million People have taken in part or about 20% who do the whole kit and kaboodle (maybe over time or all at once-it as Through Hikers.)

So tune in soon (before May 14th, 2018 which happens to be my 55th Birthday) to vote

Brainstorming (Again) About Rethinking (or even Rethinnking) Education in small towns and bigger ones too, from CT to other states and countries

on Mon, 04/30/2018 - 15:13

As an open matter of debate, spending $5K on professional development for the head of a multi million dollar organization is not that much. The idea that someone is willing and able to go to other programs can be sign of hope and taking in important timely information, networking and keeping up with required credentials.

I feel overall more parents and 'concerned stakeholders' from all parts of our area and the wider tri-state and even 'internet and otherwise concerned (alums, second homeowners etc) are a hUGE untapped resources, even for hugs, to help us figure this whole challenge (and

"Who's Calling the Shots?" While CT's Region One Budget is Up for Debate (and a Vote in May 2018), Concerned Community Members are Promoting a NO Vote and Monitoring Meetings

on Sat, 04/28/2018 - 22:17

 What's school got to do with court? Apparently a few correlations as in following the law is sometimes done..and often not done.

Whose keeping track of any particular path a regional school district is on? In the hills of northwest CT people have been taking a more vocal stance on how the regional school system, particularly the high school that serves six towns, is operating from the top down

. There are key players in terms of administrative roles as well as the people in those roles that have been discussed at length for years.

While the former often controversial Superintendent of
